14 Apr

Event "Migrazione e religione in società multiculturali"

11:00 - 17:00

Forlì Campus, Aula Campostrino - In presence event

The event will have as keynote Speaker Bertil Cottier (European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) - Consiglio d’Europa)

08 Apr

Career Day

09:30 - 17:00

Padiglione 33, Bologna Fiere - Online

The event is an important opportunity to facilitate encounters between students, recent graduates of the University of Bologna and realities operating in various professional fields.

20 Mar

"Questioni attuali della vita giuridica internazionale nel prisma delle corti"

10:30 - 18:00

Sala Armi (via Zamboni 22) and Aula Poeti (Strada Maggiore 45) - In presence event

Tribute event for Professor Alessandra Zanobetti's retirement from work.

17 Mar

ACCESS Seminar "Safe third country concept. Challenges arising from CJEU jurisprudence"

15:00 - 17:30

Palazzo Hercolani, Via dei Bersaglieri, 6 Bologna - Room di Virgilio - In presence and online event

This encounter is part of the broader ACCESS Seminar Series, which examines the impact of the EU Pact on Migration and Asylum.

27 Feb

Rassegna lettEUraria "L'Europa tra i libri"

17:30 - 19:00

Forlì, Biblioteca Roberto Ruffilli (Via Caterina Sforza, 45) - In presence event

During the event the book "Building Europe in New York. From the Munich Conference to the European Coal and Steel Community (1938– 1952)" (by Enrico Ciappi) will be presented.

25 Feb

If you haven't done it yet, register now to our Virtual Fair-Bachelor's programmes! The event preview opens today

09:30 - 17:00

Ms Teams - Online

You can start visiting the virtual stands and check the programme of the events you are interested in.

17 Feb

Afraid of Making Mistakes? Learn to Decide!

10:30 - 13:00

Aula B di via Zamboni 32, Bologna - In presence event

Have you ever found yourself stuck when facing an important choice or feeling pressured as the moment of decision approaches, unsure where to start?

10 Feb

Welcome Session for Major & Minor student arriving in Bologna

10:00 - 11:00


During this session, the BAES team at UNIBO will provide Major & Minor students with important administrative and practical information to navigate your experience at the University of Bologna.

03 Feb07 Feb

BAES Europe and the World Winter School 2025

Universidad Complutense de Madrid - In presence event

Current Challenges for the EU: Migrations, Latin America and Climate Change

13 Jan

Save the Date: Erasmus+ Mobility for Study 2025/2026 – Info Session on January 13th, 2025

09:00 - 12:00

Aula Poeti, Strada Maggiore n.45 - In presence and online event

Learn how to fund your mandatory mobility through the Erasmus+ Call for Applications.