Vai alla Homepage del Portale di Ateneo First Cycle Degree/Bachelor in European Studies

A Taste of India: a Multicultural Experience

Are you curious about India? Now's your chance to dive into its rich culture

06 May 2024 from 17:00 to 19:00

Aula C, Belmeloro, Via Andreatta 8, Bologna - In presence event

Deep into the kaleidoscope of Indian culture, featuring activities and insights that will captivate your senses and expand your cultural horizons.


Indian student ambassadors will then take the stage, sharing their unique perspectives on various aspects of Indian culture through engaging presentations and hands-on activities. 


Throughout the event, you'll enjoy immersive experiences, from trying your hand at writing your name in Tamil to embarking on a sensory journey with our blinded spice tour. There's something for everyone to enjoy and learn from! 


Register by 24th April at this page.