First Cycle Degree/Bachelor in European Studies

Workshop "Climate Quest: Flowing with Solutions for Challenges"

This exciting event will bring together young individuals aged 16 to 30 from across Europe to engage in discussions on important topics like active citizenship and climate action.

18 May 2024 from 14:00 to 16:00

Teaching Hub (Corpo C, Aula 9, First floor), Viale Filippo Corridoni, 20, Forlì - In presence event

As part of our Una Europa initiative, the Una Europa – UniBo Student Local Task Force (UniBo LTF) has organised this activity at the European Youth Event (EYE) in Forlì. 

At the event, you'll have the opportunity to meet the students members of the Una Europa – UniBo Student Local Task Force, who represent the student community of UniBo within the Una Europa Alliance, and understand what Una Europa really means to you. 

Join us to share ideas and connect with fellow students passionate about making a positive impact on our environment!