How to register for the exam
Enrollment takes place via the Almaesami procedure using the University credentials ( and password), which are released upon enrollment.
To register for the exams, it is necessary to be at peace with university fees and with the residence permit (for non-EU students).
Opening and closing of the examination lists
- list opening (written and oral exams): 15 days before the day of the exam
- closure of lists: 4 days before the day of the exam
After the closure of the lists it is no longer possible to register. By the closing date of the list it is also possible to unsubscribe by clicking on the "withdraw" button. If, after this date, the student decides not to take the exam, he must promptly send an email to the teacher.
Performing of the exam
Exams will be held in presence.
Attention: check frequently the dates of the exams, beacuse they could change.
For any question regarding the exams please contact l'Ufficio gestione corsi di studio.
How to know the result of an exam
The results of the exams are published on the AlmaEsami application by the teachers, the result will be visible next to the exam booked.
Display example:
Sustained (28) - means that the teacher has only recorded the mark.
Recorded : 28 - means that the teacher has also signed the report.
Negative evaluation does not imply the attribution of a vote. It is annotated through a judgment on the report (depending on the case: withdrawn or rejected), it is not included in the student's curriculum, therefore it does not affect the average of the final mark. (Regolamento didattico di Ateneo art.16 comma 7).
On 14/02/2018, the Academic Senate recognized the student's right to refuse, at least once, the positive mark assigned by the teacher. Regarding the oral tests, the student must express himself on the spot or in any case by the end of the session in progress, while for the written tests he must do so at the latest by the date set by the teacher for recording the grade.
Examination calendar
Refer to the page of the organization of teaching.