Vai alla Homepage del Campus di Forlì First Cycle Degree/Bachelor in International relations and diplomatic affairs


The programme, characterised by a traditional interdisciplinary approach, stands out for its in-depth study of internationalist disciplines (international relations, international law, international economics, history of international relations, studies of all the different areas of the world).

What will you study?

Subjects include law (public and international), economics, sociological analysis, political science, international history, histories of the world's different geopolitical areas, English and a second language (French, Spanish, German or Russian). You can also enrich the programme with English-language courses.

Experiences abroad

To date, the degree programme is...
Overall, this data confirms that internationalisation remains a highly qualifying and distinctive element of this Forlì-based programme, despite the aftermath of the pandemic.

Build your own future. This is what you can do with this degree.

5 reasons to enrol on the degree programme

Internationalisation is a qualifying and distinctive element of this programme: 35% of graduates have study experiences abroad.

81% of students graduate within the envisaged completion time for the degree programme.

You will study English in depth and a second language chosen between French German Spanish and Russian.

You will learn more about international history and the history of different geopolitical areas of the world.

You will have access to innovative teaching and well-equipped facilities and laboratories, making your training richer and more interactive.

Our laboratories

The study rooms

The computer rooms

Teaching building

Keep in touch

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