First Cycle Degree/Bachelor in International studies

Course presentation French Language and Laboratory and Placement Test

Monday September 16 at 1 p.m. in classroom 10 TH or to join the meeting online

Published on 23 August 2024

All students interested in attending the following courses French Language and Laboratory I are warmly invited to attend the course presentation on Monday September 16 at 1 p.m. in classroom 10 TH or to join the meeting online

During the presentation, the organisation and structure of the labs (seminars) and the language course (lectures) will be illustrated. At the end of the presentation, a placement test will take place in order to better organise the French I language courses and labs.

The placement test is not compulsory: (absolute) beginners (students who have never studied French before) can opt out and enter directly the A1 Preparatory lab (see Laboratorio Propedeutico Lingua Francese I) that will be held in the first semester.

However, they must attend the course presentation (16/9/2024, 1 p.m.) to receive information on the structure and organisation of the courses and leave their name.

For more information, please contact the lecturer, Valeria Illuminati (international English-speaking students)