First Cycle Degree/Bachelor in International studies

WELCOME DAY for all exchange students in Forlì

Join us to discover useful and comprehensive information about your Exchange experience!

15 February 2024 from 18:00 to 19:00

Teaching Hub V. le Corridoni 20 - Forlì Campus, Room 15 - In presence event

Dear Student,

Just before the beginning of Spring Semester, we remind you to visit the Unibo main page dedicated to incoming exchange students, where you will find most relevant and constantly updated information. 


To start your mobility period you need to check-in. You can do the check-in online or in presence.

For check-in online, the Office staff is available on Windows Teams by appointment to be requested  by e-mail.

Front desk in presence by appointment send an e-mail.

Bring with you:

  • If you are a EU student: your passport or ID card;
  •  if you are a non-EU student: passport with Visa

Where: International Relations Office

Address: Padiglione Melandri - ground floor - Piazzale Solieri 1, 47121 Forlì (FC)


In particular, regarding the you can find information here.

The Welcome day aims at helping students familiarize with Forlì Campus, become better acquainted with the academic environment, comply with administrative procedures and make new friends in order to be ready for this once in a lifetime opportunity!

Kindly remember to regularly check your account for any further communication

Looking forward to meeting you, kind regards