First Cycle Degree/Bachelor in International studies

Programme aims

The degree programme in International Studies (BIS), which is taughtentirely in English, meets the need for an interdisciplinary learning projectand aims to promote the understanding, as well as a more in-depth criticalanalysis of significant aspects of the current global scenario. The project isdesigned to provide students not only with a broad cultural and rigorousacademic training in politological and international studies, but also with themost appropriate linguistic, cultural and conceptual tools to developprofessional competencies in analysing institutions, socio-political andeconomic systems, and their evolution. Complex global phenomena are analysedand explored from methodologically different perspectives, which are able tocomplement and relate to one another, aiming to take an approach that placesgreater emphasis on the international dimension of phenomena in areas such asthe diplomatic, sociological, economic, historical, politological, linguisticand theoretical-political. The basic knowledge gained in each of the areasmentioned above – while at different levels of depth, depending on the specificaims and operational frameworks of the degree programme – reveals theinternational vocation of the degree programme itself. This is mainlyunderstood in a transnational and global sense, rather than from a purely‘European' or ‘Western' perspective, and the course aims to use and developinnovative categories to interpret an ever-changing reality, which are moreappropriate than the traditional ones in providing a theoretical framework forproblems.
The places available on this restricted access degree programme are establishedon the resources available. The degree programme has only one curriculum andcovers six semesters common to all students. The first year covers mandatorycourse units in the economic, legal, theoretical-political, linguistic,socio-cultural and historical macro disciplinary areas. The above-mentionedcourse units contribute to building basic knowledge in the various areas andprepare students for the specialist course units taught in the next two years.A mandatory English course unit is also provided, to improve academic writingand public presentation skills, as well as a two-year second language courseunit to be chosen by each student between French, German, Spanish and Russian.In the second year, this knowledge is broadened to encompass other disciplinaryareas, such as statistics and fundamentals of politics. The knowledge alreadyacquired in the first year – e.g. in the historical, legal, economic andlinguistic areas – is also expanded. During the third year, greater attentionis paid to international relations (from both a theoretical and historicalperspective) and international economy. Students will also be able to freelychoose among three in-depth learning pathways, including one in the field ofArea Studies. Finally, a workshop is provided to develop transferable skills –from academic writing to critical reading, from reading diplomatic documents topublic presentation and public speaking techniques.
As a whole, the degree programme manages to balance interdisciplinarity andspecialist knowledge, by continuously paying attention to the international andtransnational aspects that are peculiar to political science and by furtherexploring, in particular, the history of the world (Asia, Middle East, Africa,North and South America), the foreign policy of superpowers from 1945 onwards,and the evolution of relations between northern and southern countries from theage of colonialism until the end of the Cold War.