First Cycle Degree/Bachelor in International studies


Professional profiles

professional profile

International Relations Officer

Function in a professional context:

International Relations Officers:

- Participate in and contribute to the transnational development andexpansion of the organisation they work in, formulating ideas and proposingprojects supported by appropriatedossiers.

- Research, select and analyse relevant data, using both updated ITtools (e.g. databases) and appropriate data processing techniques.

- Cooperate with officers in their activities aiming to: identifythe regulation and institutional contexts of reference, identify keystakeholders in these contexts, analyse the related decision-making processes,plan functional solutions for the set targets.

Competencies associated to the function:

International Relations Officers:

- Have a strong command of English and a second foreign language.

- Are able to interact in contexts of medium complexity with law,politics and economics experts.

- Have interdisciplinary knowledge they apply to read and interpretphenomena and events in different geographical areas, understanding theirsocial, cultural, legal and economic aspects, also placing them in theirdiachronic dimension.

- Know how to apply key methods of qualitative and quantitativeinformation processing.

- Apply operational flexibility due to their awareness ofcomplexity.

- Rely on strong communication and interpersonal skills.

Employment opportunities:

- Export department of companies working in the European andinternational market.

- International relations office in EU, national, regional and localpublic authorities.

International Cooperation Officer

Function in a professional context:

International Cooperation Officers:

- Contribute to the implementation of development or humanitarianaid projects in economically disadvantaged countries by performing activitiesboth on site and from the country where they are based.

- Identify a need for action in a foreign country.

- Obtain adequate funding to meet those needs.

- Design international and local cooperation based on the projectrules and regulations given by the funding body and according to their ownorganisation's priorities and mission.

- Implement and manage projects, also by looking for funds toco-finance initiatives.

- Monitor and assess the outcomes of cooperation projects andprogrammes.

- Communicate ongoing initiatives by presenting their outcomes andraising the public awareness of the issues being dealt with.

Competencies associated to the function:

International Cooperation Officers:

- Have a strong command of English and a second foreign language.

- Analyse emerging needs in non-EU countries and in Italy.

- Obtain adequate funding, liaise with funding bodies and monitorthe entire project cycle, from design to implementation.

- Deal with administrative and accounting aspects of the projectsand work in close cooperation with expat workers. The funding bodies (EU, localbodies, foundations, etc.) require detailed reporting of all expenses coveredby funding.

Employment opportunities:

- National, European and international NGOs.

- International organisations (e.g. UN, UNICEF, etc.).

- Public companies involved in decentralised cooperation (Regions,large Municipalities, consortia of Municipalities).

Continuing to study

It gives access to second cycle studies (laurea specialistica/magistrale) and master universitario di primo livello.