Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Bioinformatics

FAQ on Internship for Students

The Host organisation asked for proof of my education on safety in the workplace. What should I do?
The intern’s general and/or specific education on safety in the workplace at structures outside the University of Bologna is a competence of the Host organisation who knows its risk-rate.
It is also possible to show to the Host organisation proof of the courses attended at Unibo (you can download the certificate by logging in SOL) and/or any personal certification you got in the past.

Internship within the Alma Mater: can I get recognition for courses on safety in the workplace attended in person or at another University/Institute of Higher Education?
Only for internships held carried out in a structure lab within the University of Bologna, the Internship office, while checking the internship application, verifies if modules 1 and 2 on Safety has have been completed; only the courses of the University e-learning platform can be directly verified. Other certifications possessed by the student in relation to the module 1 only (courses attended in person and through structures outside the Alma Mater, such as Universities or Institutes of Higher Education) can be sent to the Office in .pdf format. Module 2 cannot be recognized but must be carried out with Unibo.

The Host organisation published an internship offer targeted to me on SOL - Internships but I cannot see it: why?
You will not be able to accept the offer up to the check of the internship. You will receive an email when you will be able to accept the offer.

I am aware that the Host organisation has an agreement with Unibo, but I cannot find it on SOL - Tirocini, why?
The partner Host organisations can choose whether to be seen by students or not. Should this be the case, you are not able to self-apply, but the Host organisation, if available, will publish a targeted internship offer addressed to you specifically.

Can I carry out half of my internship at one Host organisation and the other half elsewhere?
No. The internship must be carried out at a single and unique Host organisation.

What procedure should I follow for business travels and trips outside the main operative location of the Host organisation?
The internship programme must include the address of the main operative location and the correspondent Headquarters/Department/Office. Other locations in which the student is likely to carry out part of the internship must be included in the programme in the correspondent fields (Additional infomation on working hours and activities), with the complete address and name of the structure.
Should you need to travel to locations not included in the approved programme, the student can ask for the extension of extend the insurance cover by contacting the Academic tutor by mail (with the Internship office and tutor of the Host organisation in copy c/c) and wait for the authorization.
Furthermore, please detail as much as possible the modes of the planned trips of the internship (for example, specify the place/area of interest and if the intern will be accompanied and under the supervision of the tutor in loco).

My study plan contains two internship activities, can I do them both at the same Host organisation?
Yes, if you have not received other different indications from your study course. In the event of two internships activated at the same Host organisation you must receive and apply for two different offers on the application.

My internship is bound to my thesis project, should I flag  “for final examination” field?
You must flag the field only if your study plan includes the “Internship for final examination”. Otherwise, if this is a “curricular internship”, you must not flag the “for final examination” field, even if the activity is linked to your thesis project.

I started the internship before downloading the attendance record book. Can I still consider the working hours I have done so far?
No, you can consider only the working hours of the authorized period (written on page 1 of the attendance record book).
ATTENTION: The internship period written on the approved internship programme could change after the required signing procedure.

I will carry out my internship within a mobility programme (ex: Erasmus+, Grants for preparing the theses abroad), should I check with the Internship office too?
No, you are not required to “duplicate” the request (for the same internship) that is to say Erasmus call/thesis abroad + internship procedure with procedure on SOL-Internships. Only if you are unable to participate in any of the mobility programmes at Unibo, you can contact the Internship office to activate the internship.

Attendance record book: which pages should I upload on SOL-Internships at the end of the internship?
For internships at the University of Bologna’s premises, the attendance record book consists of 2 (two) pages.
For internships outside the University of Bologna, the attendance record book consists of 8 pages.
IMPORTANT Upon reaching the expected internship hours limit, for both types of internship it is necessary to upload only pages 1 and 2 of the attendance record book (page 2 must be signed by the tutor of the Host organisation).