Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Bioinformatics

Information on writing a dissertation

Choosing the subject and the rules on preparing the dissertation for the final examination.

Thesis Internship Period: Rules for Master's Thesis and Internship
Upon student's request with the Internship/Thesis_FORM (PDF), a didactic commission within the Council will evaluate and approve thesis proposals in qualified public and private research laboratories. The student needs to provide a short thesis project and an acceptance letter from the hosting tutor in order to be evaluated. When working abroad, the student will have the chance to locally interact with a Professor tutoring him during the whole project. This Professor will be nominated by the Commission after acceptance of the student's thesis proposal among the Professors in the Council of the Master. The student will provide regular updating of his work according to the following (reports should be sent to the Professor in Charge and to the Didactic Manager of the Master)

Guidelines for thesis editing

Theses shall be written according to the formal standards reported below. Consequently, theses
drawn up in a different way will not be accepted:
- Pages must be of 32-35 lines each, every line must contain 65-70 characters of the following
type fonts: times, courier, helvetica.
- Double-sided printing (front and back)
- Cover and spine must be in thin cardboard. Thesis must be book bound. Spirals, rings, rivets,
plastic or otherwise are not accepted.
- Figures and tables must be in A4 or A3 format
- The box containing the tables must be appropriate in size and thickness (A3).
If you want to use the University trademark, follow the instructions at the page Use of the University trademark in final examination.

Structure of Master’s theses
- Introduction of theses (object, tasks, hypothesis, actuality, research methodology, sources,
structure of theses, new approach)
- Content (analysis)
- Conclusions
- List of Sources / Bibliography
- Annexes

Students writing final theses are required to complete academic research using the appropriate
methodology. Students must also demonstrate relevant analytical skills to successfully complete
the final project. The work must be well structured in order to clearly and directly present the
results of the completed research. The use of a wide range of academic literature is encouraged.
While writing their final theses, students are required to meet regularly with their thesis
supervisors and consult with them.

It is to be remembered that submitting the work of another writer as one’s own is a criminal
offence, according to the Italian Act no. 475/1925:
Those who submit the work of another writer such as dissertations, studies, publications,
technical designs as one’s own on the occasion of exams or competitions, prescribed or required
by authorities or public administrations for the assignment of master’s degrees or any other school
or academic degree or qualification, for the license to teach and practice a profession, for the issue
of diplomas, shall be punished by imprisonment from three months to one year. The imprisonment
will be no less than six months if criminal intent is proven”.

Final grade

The Board will assess the candidate's overall performance – dissertation, curriculum, time taken to complete their studies, transfers from another University or another programme – applying specific rules for each Degree Programme.
The Board expresses its assessment with a grade out of one hundred and ten. The exam is deemed to be passed with a minimum grade of 66/110 and a maximum grade of 110/110. In the case of granting a maximum grade, the Board may also grant honours (lode) by unanimous decision.
See the information on how to calculate the average score based on your study programme

The criteria to assess dissertations are:

  • originality of the subject;
  • correct methodology;
  • level of in-depth analysis;
  • adequate writing and editing;
  • ability to express and present the dissertation.

Up to 7 points can be added to the final mark deriving from the average score (0-3 from the Supervisor, 0-3 from the Counter-Supervisor, 0-1 from the Board).

Given that honours (lode) must be granted by the Board unanimously (art. 31 of the University Teaching Regulations) should the Board unanimously find that candidates are particularly worth it during the graduation, honours (lode) can be proposed.

The Board will decide the final mark, which will be declared at the end of the Graduation Session.

Please check carefully detailed information at the following page: