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The International Master's in Bioinformatics at the University of Bologna contributes to establishing a European Higher Education Area in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology. The master's programme generates knowledge and expertise in specific domains of Biology, Biotechnology, and Biomedicine crucial in the post-genomic era for storing, retrieving, and analysing large sets of molecular data.

What will you study?

The International Master's in Bioinformatics programme focuses on the study and development of computational methods for the analysis and interpretation of biological data through artificial intelligence. Tailored to students' needs, it emphasizes modelling complex biological phenomena, applying foundational principles from physics, mathematics, statistics, chemistry, and computer science.

Experiences abroad

The International Master's in Bioinformatics offers many internship opportunities in international institutions for thesis projects. Dedicated fellowships are available through the Erasmus+ study and mobility for traineeship programmes. Exchange initiatives have been established with European institutions in Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, and Turkey.

Build your own future. This is what you can do with this degree.

5 reasons to enrol on the degree programme

An interdisciplinary subject at the intersection of modern “Omic” Biology and Data Science.

An international programme connected with the main European research hubs in Bioinformatics.

The Master will equip you with training in computing, statistics, machine-learning and advanced techniques for Big Data analysis.

Hands-on activities will equip you with practical skills suited to work in applied Biomedical and Biotechnological fields.

Special advanced courses present the hot-spots of basic and applied research on the complexity of biological systems.

Keep in touch

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