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Calendar of the Mobility Abroad Committee meetings

The Comittee periodically meets the students, and fixes deadlines for the examination of the Learning Agreements presented by the students

The Mobility Abroad Comittee of the STEM programme has a fixed calendar for meeting the students willing to have information on the programs abroad, and to examine the Learning Agreements presented by the students, to be noted as a deadline.

* Link to the virtual room (BY APPOINTMENT ONLY

General info and support for LEARNING AGREEMENT PREPARATION
by appointment only (mail to )


13/01/2025 ore 14:30 via TEAMS

20/01/2025 (application deadline 18/01/2025)

13/02/2025 ore 14:30 via TEAMS 20/02/2025 (application deadline 18/02/2025)
13/03/2025 ore 12:00 via TEAMS 20/03/2025 (application deadline 18/03/2025)
10/04/2025 ore 12:00 via TEAMS 17/04/2025 (application deadline 15/04/2025)
15/05/2025 ore 12:00 via TEAMS 22/05/2025 (application deadline 20/05/2025)

19/06/2025 ore 12:00 via TEAMS

26/06/2025 (application deadline 24/06/2025)

10/07/2025 ore 12:00 via TEAMS

17/07/2025 (application deadline 15/07/2025)

11/09/2025 ore 12:00 via TEAMS

18/09/2025 (application deadline 16/09/2025)

09/10/2025 ore 12:00 via TEAMS

16/10/2025 (application deadline 14/10/2025)

13/11/2025 ore 12:00 via TEAMS

20/11/2025 (scadenza per caricamento documenti in AlmaRM 18/11/2025)

11/12/2025 ore 12:00 via TEAMS

18/12/2025 application deadline 16/12/2025)

15/01/2026 ore 12:00 via TEAMS

22/01/2026 (application deadline 20/01/2026)

12/02/2026 ore 12:00 via TEAMS

19/02/2026 (application deadline 17/02/2026)