Vai alla Homepage del Portale di Ateneo Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Chemical and Process Engineering

Opportunities for internal internships and final examination

In case of an internship or final examination carried out within a department of the University of Bologna, the available themes for the activity are related to the research topics developed by the professors. An overview of laboratory activities offered by the professors of the Second Cycle Degree in Chemical and Process Engineering related to DICAM, is available here .

Specific themes that the professors of the Degree Programme in Chemical and Process Engineering offer for internal thesis are listed in the sidebar "Attachments", on the right. Further information about internal internships and thesis may be found in the professors’ personal websites, in the links included in the document.


After carefully reading all the information on internal internships and theses reported on the website of the Degree programme and on the links to which it refers, for more information you can contact the individual professors of the Degree Programme.