Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Chemical and Process Engineering

Programme aims

The 2ndcycle degree programme aims specifically to produce professional ChemicalEngineers and Biotechnological Engineers. The specific learning outcomes areachieved through a curriculum focusing on seven main learning areas, consistentwith the competences required by the professional profiles:

1. specialistbasic skills in mathematics and basic sciences and more specific aspects linkedto fluid dynamics, thermodynamics, transport phenomena and unit operations
2. design
3. processdevelopment
4.environment, safety and sustainability
6. materials
7. off-shoreplants

In additionto these seven learning areas, graduates will develop skills in professionalautonomy, communication and self-learning. The specific competences aredetailed in section A4.b. below.These learning outcomes are achievedthrough a curriculum which allows students to acquire a command of specialistmethodological aspects of chemical engineering, for the design and developmentof processes in a context of environmental protection, safety andsustainability, also developing advanced knowledge of fluid dynamics,thermodynamics and transport phenomena and specific applications in control andsafety analysis techniques. Completed by knowledge of biotechnology, materialsand off-shore sectors, the programme includes workshop experiences, autonomousproject work and/or industrial internships. The study plan thus provideslearning opportunities within a system of the above described competences,guaranteeing the ability to respond to different specialist demands for theadvanced analysis and design of industrial transformation processes.