Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Chemical and Process Engineering


The Masters Program in Chemical and Process Engineering allows graduates to pursue their professional career or continue their academic career.

Among the more important professional sectors addressed by Master studies in Chemical Engineering are:

The conventional Chemical and Process Industry, and in particular the petrochemical, polymers, specialty chemicals, and pharmaceutical sectors: this industry is characterized by increasing globalization and is steadily recruiting qualified chemical engineers throughout Europe.

The Energy sector: Oil&Gas, both up-stream and down-stream, strongly requires qualified chemical engineers for design and operation in a framework of growing complexity and innovation towards increasing sustainability and environmental compatibility.

The Material sector, with its development towards nanomaterials and smart materials requires qualified chemical engineers to answer the demand for innovation and life-cycle sustainability.

The Biotechnology sector, with its evolution towards large-scale production, has a growing requirement of qualified chemical engineers able to support the industrialization of biotechnological processes and their operations.

The Environmental sector, with the growing development of processes for the recovery of wastes, the valorization of biomass and the implementation of safe and sustainable technologies needs qualified chemical engineers as a necessary support to its large-scale operations.

For those who want to further study Chemical Engineering in an academic context, graduates of this program are eligible to enter into PhD. studies at the University of Bologna (link).

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Corso di Chemical and Process Engineering - codice 8896
Professional profiles professional profile ChemicalEngineer Function in aprofessional context: Graduate Chemical Engineers are highly specialised professionals workingin the development, planning, design… Read more