Professional profiles
professional profile
Function in aprofessional context:
Graduate Chemical Engineers are highly specialised professionals workingin the development, planning, design and operational management of plants,systems, processes and services in a range of industrial sectors. The mainreference sectors are chemical, petroleum, pharmaceutical, food,biotechnologies and materials industries.
Chemical Engineers may also work in industrial research and development,particularly in innovative processes and new technologies, materials, theenvironment and safety.
Only for some types of activities undertaken on a freelance basis,graduates may be required to pass a state exam to exercise the engineeringprofession and register with the relative section of the national engineers'association.
The main activities undertaken by Chemical Engineers include:
coordination and management of development activities for transformationand production processes
coordination and management of plant design for process industries andenergy production
design and functional modelling of plant and equipment for processindustries
supervision of industrial plants for chemical, biotechnological,biochemical production, the food and pharmaceutical industry, fuel distributionand use, energy for waste and waste water treatment
design and management of plants for waste treatment and purification,river treatment, waste disposal, water purification and the reclamation ofpolluted soils
design of control systems for transformation processes
risk assessments for raw material transformation processes and plants,and industrial activities generally
research for the innovation of chemical and biotechnologicaltransformation processes, also designing and running laboratory-scale andpilot-scale experimental tests.
Opportunities for professional growth, specialisation, broadening ofskills and professional responsibilities in specific process industry sectorsmarked by high innovation, may be available by further training to PhD orProfessional Master level.
Competenciesassociated to the function:
The main competencies of the Chemical Engineer include:
in-depth knowledge of the theoretical and scientific aspects ofmathematics and other basic sciences to interpret and describe engineeringproblems;
in-depth knowledge of the areas of thermodynamics, fluid dynamics,transport phenomena and unit operations
in-depth knowledge of the design and sizing of process plants andequipment
in-depth knowledge of the environmental and safety problems linked tothe process design and operations
knowledge of industrial instrumentation and process control
knowledge of industrial processes and productions in conventional(chemical, petrochemical, oil&gas) and innovative sectors (biotechnologies,materials)
knowledge of business organisation and project management
ability to identify, formulate and solve complex problems, or thoserequiring an interdisciplinary approach, also using innovative methods;
ability to design, plan and manage complex and/or innovative systems,processes and services
self-learning and continuous updating skills
interpersonal, organisational and managerial skills
knowledge of the context and transferable skills.
The main career opportunities available to Chemical Engineers are:
Petrol companies
Petrochemical companies
Chemical companies
Energy companies
Biotechnology companies
Food companies
Pharmaceutical companies
Materials manufacturers
Engineering companies
Environmental and safety consulting firms
Manufacturing industries
Industrial laboratories
Technical departments of Public or State Administrations.
Function in aprofessional context:
Graduate Biotechnological Engineers are highly specialised professionalsworking in the development, planning, design and operational management ofplants, systems, processes and services in a range of industrial sectors usingbiotechnologies. The main reference sectors are biochemical, pharmaceutical,food and biotechnologies industries.
Biotechnological Engineers may also work in industrial research anddevelopment, particularly focusing on innovative biotechnological processes.
Only for some types of activities undertaken on a freelance basis,graduates may be required to pass a state exam to exercise the engineeringprofession and register with the relative section of the national engineers'association.
The main activities undertaken by Biotechnological Engineers include:
coordination and management of development activities forbiotechnological production processes
coordination and management of the design of biotechnological plants forfood and pharmaceutical industries and for new energy technologies
modelling and functional and construction design of plant and equipmentfor biotechnological and food industries
supervision of industrial plants for biotechnological, biochemicalproduction, the food and pharmaceutical industry, bioenergy and waste and wastewater treatment
design and management of plants for waste treatment and purificationusing biotechnologies, waste disposal, water purification and the reclamationof polluted soils
risk assessments for biotechnological processes and plants
research for the innovation of biotechnological transformationprocesses, also designing and running laboratory-scale and pilot-scaleexperimental tests.
Opportunities for professional growth, specialisation, broadening ofskills and professional responsibilities in specific process industry sectorsmarked by high innovation, may be available by further training to PhD orProfessional Master level.
Competenciesassociated to the function:
The main competencies of the Biotechnological Engineer include:
knowledge of the theoretical and scientific aspects of mathematics,biochemistry and other basic sciences to interpret and describe engineeringproblems applied to biotechnologies
in-depth knowledge of the areas of thermodynamics, fluid dynamics,transport phenomena and unit operations
in-depth knowledge of the design and sizing of process plants andequipment
in-depth knowledge of the environmental and safety problems linked tothe process design and operations
knowledge of industrial instrumentation and process control
knowledge of processes and productions in biotechnology sectors
knowledge of business organisation and project management
ability to identify, formulate and solve complex problems, or thoserequiring an interdisciplinary approach, also using innovative methods
ability to design, plan and manage complex and/or innovative systems,processes and services
self-learning and continuous updating skills
interpersonal, organisational and managerial skills
knowledge of the context and transferable skills.
The main career opportunities available to Biotechnological Engineersare:
Chemical companies
Energy companies
Biotechnology companies
Food companies
Pharmaceutical companies
Environmental and safety consulting firms
Industrial laboratories.
Continuing to study
It gives access to third cycle studies (Dottorato di ricerca/Scuole di specializzazione) and master courses of second degree.