Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Digital Transformation Management


The course aims to train interdisciplinary professionals - with skills in both the IT and economic-organizational fields - capable of realizing and governing the companies' digital transformation process. It is strictly connected with the business world, it provides laboratory activities and a final internship related to your thesis.

  • Place of teaching Cesena, Forlì
  • Language English
  • Degree Programme Class LM-91 - Methods and techniques for the information society
  • Duration 2 anni
  • International programmes Delivered entirely in English

Open day

Let us get to know each other better. When we can meet.

5 reasons to enrol on the degree programme

  1. Develop a deep understanding of how major frontier technologies work, as well as their business, economic, and social impacts.

  2. Get the right mix of business intelligence and digital skill sets to become a future leader and executive, able to manage both people and machines

  3. Gain a competitive edge in the digitalisation or digital transformation environments.

  4. Manage digital business processes and acquire the knowledge and skills needed to support digital transformation initiatives.

  5. Develop a new mindset and insights into how to lead and thrive in the digital era.

The course in numbers

Some data about the course. Go to the full page to learn more and read the opinions of those attending it.

  • 82% International students and students not residing in the region

  • 75% Graduates aligned to the exam schedule

  • 40% Graduates with experience abroad

  • 100% Graduates satisfied with their studies

  • ND Graduates who are working

  • ND Graduates who are not working but are studying or not looking for work

  • ND Graduates who are not working but looking for work

Course participants' experiences