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Curriculum Ingegneria per l'ambiente e il territorio: for students enrolled a.y. 2017-18

First Year

Attività formative obbligatorie

Period ? The period in which lectures are held 1: 18/09/2018 - 17/12/2018 2: 20/02/2019 - 07/06/2019 E: 18/09/2018 - 07/06/2019 CT1: 05/11/2018 - 21/12/2018 CT2: 18/02/2019 - 07/06/2019 CTE: 05/11/2018 - 07/06/2019 Type ? A: Basic learning activities
B: Core learning activity
C: Related or supplementary learning activity
D: Elective learning activity
E: Final examination and foreign language test
S: Stage
F: Other
ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
73165 Hydraulic Construction And Hydraulic Protection Of Territory M 1 B ICAR/02 9
81642 Laboratory of Land Planning 1 F 6
73183 Numerical Methods M 1 C MAT/08 6
73190 Technologies For Environmental Protection M 1 B ING-IND/25 6
73170 Geomatics M 2 B ICAR/06 6
73169 Industrial Ecology And Sustainable Development M 2 B ING-IND/25 6
73193 Laboratory On Survey And Satellite Positioning M 2 F 3
73188 Microbiology And Biotechnology For Depollution M 2 C CHIM/11 6
78457 Mining Engineering M I.C 2
34755  Petroleum Engineering M 2 B ING-IND/30 6
81641  Rock Engineering 2 B ING-IND/28 6

Second Year

1) Prova finale (18 CFU)

Lo studente può scegliere di svolgere la sola prova finale (Gruppo A) oppure la prova finale e una delle altre attività indicate nei rispettivi gruppi (Gruppo B, C e D).
1.1) Gruppo A (max limit 18 CFU)
Period ? The period in which lectures are held 1: 18/09/2018 - 17/12/2018 2: 20/02/2019 - 07/06/2019 E: 18/09/2018 - 07/06/2019 CT1: 05/11/2018 - 21/12/2018 CT2: 18/02/2019 - 07/06/2019 CTE: 05/11/2018 - 07/06/2019 Type ? A: Basic learning activities
B: Core learning activity
C: Related or supplementary learning activity
D: Elective learning activity
E: Final examination and foreign language test
S: Stage
F: Other
cfu ? Credits
17268 Final Examination E E 18
1.2) Gruppo B (max limit 18 CFU)
Period ? The period in which lectures are held 1: 18/09/2018 - 17/12/2018 2: 20/02/2019 - 07/06/2019 E: 18/09/2018 - 07/06/2019 CT1: 05/11/2018 - 21/12/2018 CT2: 18/02/2019 - 07/06/2019 CTE: 05/11/2018 - 07/06/2019 Type ? A: Basic learning activities
B: Core learning activity
C: Related or supplementary learning activity
D: Elective learning activity
E: Final examination and foreign language test
S: Stage
F: Other
cfu ? Credits
82272 Internship for Preparation for the Final Examination 1 E 6
78145 Final examination E E 12
1.3) Gruppo C (max limit 18 CFU)
Period ? The period in which lectures are held 1: 18/09/2018 - 17/12/2018 2: 20/02/2019 - 07/06/2019 E: 18/09/2018 - 07/06/2019 CT1: 05/11/2018 - 21/12/2018 CT2: 18/02/2019 - 07/06/2019 CTE: 05/11/2018 - 07/06/2019 Type ? A: Basic learning activities
B: Core learning activity
C: Related or supplementary learning activity
D: Elective learning activity
E: Final examination and foreign language test
S: Stage
F: Other
cfu ? Credits
17268 Final Examination E E 6
81355 Preparation for the Final Examination Abroad E E 12
1.4) Gruppo D (max limit 18 CFU)
Period ? The period in which lectures are held 1: 18/09/2018 - 17/12/2018 2: 20/02/2019 - 07/06/2019 E: 18/09/2018 - 07/06/2019 CT1: 05/11/2018 - 21/12/2018 CT2: 18/02/2019 - 07/06/2019 CTE: 05/11/2018 - 07/06/2019 Type ? A: Basic learning activities
B: Core learning activity
C: Related or supplementary learning activity
D: Elective learning activity
E: Final examination and foreign language test
S: Stage
F: Other
cfu ? Credits
17268 Final Examination E E 6
81354 Internship Abroad for Preparation of the Final Examination E E 12

2) Attività formative a scelta (30 CFU)

Choose one of the following groups of courses:
2.1) Gruppo di scelta: "Tecniche e tecnologie ambientali" (max limit 30 CFU)
Period ? The period in which lectures are held 1: 18/09/2018 - 17/12/2018 2: 20/02/2019 - 07/06/2019 E: 18/09/2018 - 07/06/2019 CT1: 05/11/2018 - 21/12/2018 CT2: 18/02/2019 - 07/06/2019 CTE: 05/11/2018 - 07/06/2019 Type ? A: Basic learning activities
B: Core learning activity
C: Related or supplementary learning activity
D: Elective learning activity
E: Final examination and foreign language test
S: Stage
F: Other
ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
78578 Environmental Impact Assessment of Waste Treatment and Production Plants M 1 B ING-IND/25 9
73197 Safety and Loss Prevention M 1 B ING-IND/25 9
73207 Membrane Separation Processes M 2 B ING-IND/24 6
73212 Soil and Underground Remediation Technologies M B 2 B ING-IND/27 6
2.2) Gruppo di scelta: "Geoingegneria" (max limit 30 CFU)
Period ? The period in which lectures are held 1: 18/09/2018 - 17/12/2018 2: 20/02/2019 - 07/06/2019 E: 18/09/2018 - 07/06/2019 CT1: 05/11/2018 - 21/12/2018 CT2: 18/02/2019 - 07/06/2019 CTE: 05/11/2018 - 07/06/2019 Type ? A: Basic learning activities
B: Core learning activity
C: Related or supplementary learning activity
D: Elective learning activity
E: Final examination and foreign language test
S: Stage
F: Other
ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
78462 Excavation Engineering and Safety 1 B ING-IND/28 9
73271 Primary and Secondary Resources Development M 1 B ING-IND/29 6
73268 Underground Constructions M 1 B ING-IND/28 6
78465 Models for Geothermal Science and Underground Fluids 2 B ING-IND/30 9
2.3) Gruppo di scelta: "Protezione del suolo e del territorio"" (max limit 30 CFU)
Period ? The period in which lectures are held 1: 18/09/2018 - 17/12/2018 2: 20/02/2019 - 07/06/2019 E: 18/09/2018 - 07/06/2019 CT1: 05/11/2018 - 21/12/2018 CT2: 18/02/2019 - 07/06/2019 CTE: 05/11/2018 - 07/06/2019 Type ? A: Basic learning activities
B: Core learning activity
C: Related or supplementary learning activity
D: Elective learning activity
E: Final examination and foreign language test
S: Stage
F: Other
ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
73262 Maritime Hydraulics M 1 B ICAR/01 6
73254 Wastewater Managing and Treatment M I.C. 1 B
73256  Wastewater Treatment M 1 D ICAR/03 6
73255  Water Resources Management M 1 D ICAR/02 6
73258 Ground Improvement M 2 B ICAR/07 6
73265 Hydrological Modelling M 2 B ICAR/02 6

3) Altre attività formative (3 CFU)

Choose 3 credits among the following courses:
Period ? The period in which lectures are held 1: 18/09/2018 - 17/12/2018 2: 20/02/2019 - 07/06/2019 E: 18/09/2018 - 07/06/2019 CT1: 05/11/2018 - 21/12/2018 CT2: 18/02/2019 - 07/06/2019 CTE: 05/11/2018 - 07/06/2019 Type ? A: Basic learning activities
B: Core learning activity
C: Related or supplementary learning activity
D: Elective learning activity
E: Final examination and foreign language test
S: Stage
F: Other
ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
73277 Final Project Laboratory M 1 F 3
81944 Laboratory of Environmental Engineering and Energy Economics 1 F 3
81644 Laboratory On Renewable Raw Materials and Circular Economy 2 F 3
73279 Laboratory of Industrial Safety M 2 F ING-IND/25 3

4) Attività formative a scelta libera consigliate (9 - 14 CFU)

Choose at least 9 credits. The course board suggests to attend to the following courses:
Period ? The period in which lectures are held 1: 18/09/2018 - 17/12/2018 2: 20/02/2019 - 07/06/2019 E: 18/09/2018 - 07/06/2019 CT1: 05/11/2018 - 21/12/2018 CT2: 18/02/2019 - 07/06/2019 CTE: 05/11/2018 - 07/06/2019 Type ? A: Basic learning activities
B: Core learning activity
C: Related or supplementary learning activity
D: Elective learning activity
E: Final examination and foreign language test
S: Stage
F: Other
ssd ? Disciplinary-scientific area to which the learning activity belongs cfu ? Credits
73299 Applied Mathematics M - Not available for the year  2018/2019 1 D MAT/07 6
73286 Biotechnology Development of Organic Waste and Effluent M 1 D ICAR/03 3
73305 Complementary Principles Of Mathematical Analysis M - Not available for the year  2018/2019 1 D MAT/05 4
73287 Design of Water Sanitation and Treatment Plants M 1 D ICAR/03 6
78578 Environmental Impact Assessment of Waste Treatment and Production Plants M 1 D ING-IND/25 9
78462 Excavation Engineering and Safety 1 D ING-IND/28 9
73262 Maritime Hydraulics M 1 D ICAR/01 6
29209 Modern Physics M 1 D FIS/01 6
73271 Primary and Secondary Resources Development M 1 D ING-IND/29 6
73197 Safety and Loss Prevention M 1 D ING-IND/25 9
73254 Wastewater Managing and Treatment M I.C. 1 D
73256  Wastewater Treatment M 1 D ICAR/03 6
73255  Water Resources Management M 1 D ICAR/02 6
34496 Work Placement M 1 D 6
73387 Creativity and Innovation M CT2 D 3
85703 Dispersion of Pollutants in the Environment: Basic Principles and Applications M 2 D ING-IND/24 3
82999 Employability: Making Career Development Skills 2 D 3
73306 Evironmental Low - Not available for the year  2018/2019 2 D IUS/10 6
73258 Ground Improvement M 2 D ICAR/07 6
73265 Hydrological Modelling M 2 D ICAR/02 6
73207 Membrane Separation Processes M 2 D ING-IND/24 6
74868 Mines and Quarries M - Not available for the year  2018/2019 2 D ING-IND/28 6
78468 Numerical Models for Geoengineering M 2 D ING-IND/28 6
86760 Oral Comprehension Italian Language Lab (LM) - Bologna 1 CT2 D 3
86763 Oral Comprehension Italian Language Lab (LM) - Bologna 2 CT2 D 3
73270 Petroleum Engineering M - Not available for the year  2018/2019 2 D ING-IND/30 9
81799 Project Management and Soft Skills M CT2 D 3
73212 Soil and Underground Remediation Technologies M B 2 D ING-IND/27 6
34744 Subsurface Fluids M - Not available for the year  2018/2019 2 D ING-IND/30 6
84192 TECNOLOGIA DEI FLUIDI DEL SOTTOSUOLO M - Not available for the year  2018/2019 2 D ING-IND/30 6
86759 Written Production Italian Language Lab (LM) - Bologna 1 CT2 D 3
86761 Written Production Italian Language Lab (LM)- Bologna 2 CT2 D 3