Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Environmental Engineering

Double Degree with the University of Liège

For students interested in the field of Georesources and geotechnologies

How does it work

  • Selected students will successfully complete the first two semesters of the Earth Resources Engineering Programme at UNIBO before leaving (for a total amount of 57 ECTS);
  • They will register at ULiège and they will attend the second year of studies (2 semesters) of the Master: Ingénieur civil des mines et Géologue (63 ECTS);
  • While at ULiège, UNIBO students will complete the second year and defend their Master Thesis (Travail de fin d’études – 20 ECTS), that is usually linked to the completion of an internship (5 ECTS);
  • After obtaining the degree qualification at ULIEGE, the credits earned will be transferred to UNIBO, where the student will ask for the award of the Laurea Magistrale.

The students succesfully completing the programme will receive two degrees: the 2nd cycle Degree Laurea Magistrale (LM, 2 year, 120 ECTS) granted by UNIBO and the Master (MA, 2 years, 120 ECTS), granted by the University of Liège.

How to apply

Students interested in the Dual Degree with Liège will be selected exclusively through the Erasmus+ for studies call for application (application deadline February 6th 2025, at 1 pm).

The application must be submitted online through AlmaRM by the deadline of the Erasmus call. Students will have to comply with all the rules and requirements of the Erasmus+ call for application. Please read carefully the call for further details.

In order to apply, students will have to select the offer related to the Université de Liège (referent professor Luisa Molari) and attach the following additional documents:

- Motivation letter in English (one A4 page max)

- Curriculum Vitae with the relevant documents useful for the application

- Certificate of English proficiency (not mandatory for the application but useful for the ranking list).


Available positions: max. 5 (including students of the Civil Engineering Master Programme, that is part of the same Double Degree agreement).

Who can apply

Only students complying with the following requirements will be taken into consideration for the Dual Degree:

  • being enrolled in the first year of the Environmental Engineering Master programme - curriculum Earth Resources Engineering (ERE);
  • having at least 15 credits registered in their career by the deadline fixed by the Erasmus call;
  • Having a cgpa no lower than 25/30

Please note that students who will be selected for the Dual Degree, in order to be registered in the second year of the Master programme in Liege, will have to complete all the learning activities of the first year before leaving for the mobility.

Tuition fees

Exchange students are not required to pay tuition fees at ULiège. They stay registered at the UNIBO and continue to pay their tuition to UNIBO.

However, students may be required to pay administrative fees (i.e. “role et assurance”).

Financial support

Selected students will be financed through the Erasmus+ call for studies. For this reason, it is very important to respect the deadlines and rules of the Call (in terms of acceptance of the Erasmus position, signing the Mobility agreement and so on).

The University of Liége

The University of Liège is a comprehensive university located in French-speaking Belgium. It has sites in 3 towns (Liège, Gembloux and Arlon), on 4 campuses, and has almost 27 700 students, 24% of whom are from abroad.

The School of Engineering is located in the Liège Sart Tilman domain, well connected to the town center thanks to a very frequent bus service.

The Master in Geological and Mining Engineering is “bilingual French/English”. Therefore, students who actively master French and/or English can take all the classes. On a practical level, students can ask staff questions in both languages. Course material exists in both French and English.