How to choose the final paper learning activity and the supervisor
Candidates may choose a subject area or learning activity among those included in their study plan. Alternatively, students willing to choose a learning activity or subject area that is NOT included in their study plan are required to ask the authorization from the Director of Studies by email, explaining their reasons. Candidates may choose as a thesis supervisor any professor pertaining to the subject group specified in the relevant Degree programme teaching regulation (art. 18, paragraph 6 of the University teaching regulation).
Environmental Engineering Research A and Environmental Engineering Research B (for students enrolled up to 2020)
The course is aimed at introducing the student to some individual activities which will continue in the second year with the preparation of the final dissertation: the organization of a complex and integrated project in the field of environmental engineering, or the state-of-art analysis of a research problem, selected at the beginning of the course.
The specific activity is arranged with the supervisor, who will tutor the student and recommend the relevant bibliography. The supervisor is selected by the student among the professors of the ERE Master’s Program. For the student to pass the examination, the supervisor must approve the activity (oral assessment).
The thesis defence is the presentation and discussion in front of the Examination Board of the Master’s programme, in order to verify that candidates have achieved the learning outcomes laid down in their study programme. The final paper requires a consistent activity of the student, who will deepen the use and understanding of modelling and experimental tools, also in relation to design features.
Rules for dissertation format
Check this page for information on how to use the University trademark in Final examination.
Writing a degree dissertation in a foreign language (i.e., other than English)
Guidelines for writing a degree dissertation in a foreign language. The degree programme board may authorize a degree dissertation to be written in a foreign language. Those who may apply to do this are especially:
Dissertations may only be written in: French, German and Spanish, and must also contain an abstract in Italian. The supervisor must give his/her consent and vouch for the linguistic quality of the writing. Situations not corresponding to the above categories may be submitted, via the respective Degree Programme Board, to the judgment of the Joint Teaching Committee.
The average grade calculation (GPA) will be carried out by the Student Administration Office, as the office will be in charge of drafting the graduation report. Read here to understand how the average is calculated:
The final mark is determined by the Examination Board during the thesis defense and will take into account the average of all exams marks as reported in the student’s career. The Examination Board usually assigns a score from 0 to 5 points to the average transformed into /110.
The exam is deemed to be passed with a minimum grade of 66/110. In the case of a maximum grade (110/110), the Board may also grant a distinction (lode) by unanimous decision.
The Examination Board may bestow a higher score to thesis of “greater effort” (maggior impegno), i.e. dissertation which is judged particularly relevant by the advisor for its results and scientific value. In this case the Examination Board may add approximately up to 7 points to the average transformed into /110. The request for the thesis of "greater effort" can be addressed by the Thesis Supervisor to the Director of Studies only.