Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Environmental Engineering

Opportunities abroad for ERE students

Information about the several opportunities of exchange aborad for studies, thesis, internship at universities, companies and research institutes

The Degree Programme offer many opportunities of exchane abroad at universities, companied and research institutes, in the framework of University and Departmental agreements and scientific cooperation carried out by its professors.

In the HIGHLIGHTS section, you can a find a Vademecum for the preparation of an international mobility, the list of some possible destinations and some correspondences for Unibo courses at the host universities that have been approved in the past (it is not meant to be an exhaustive list and it is not updated with recent changes in the course structure diagrams).

Please check the following links before getting in touch with the relevant contacts:

- All UNIBO opportunities to spend a study period abrad:;

- Internship abroad opportunities for UNIBO students:;

- Double Degree opportunities:;

- Other scholarships and calls for mobility abroad (including the Call for thesis abroad, that is usually published twice a year):


International Relations and Student Mobility Desk

Information on mobility programmes, validation and administrative management of mobility documents


Tel: 051 2093723 

Check the Contact section of the website for the modalities for contacting the office.

Erasmus Commission of the Environmental Engineering Degree Programme 

Approval of Learning Agreements and Recognition requests. LA and RR are typically processed on a weekly base; questions or doubts concerning LA and RR must be sent to the following email addres.


Member professors: Serena Ceola, Alessio Domeneghetti