Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Environmental Engineering


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An international Master’s Degree Programme in “Earth Resources Engineering - ERE” (“Laurea Magistrale” according to the Italian regulation), is offered by ALMA MATER STUDIORUM – University of Bologna. According to the Bologna process, the Laurea Magistrale is equivalent to a Master of Science.
The program is open to students of any Nationality.
The venue of the program is the School of Engineering and Architecture of the University of Bologna.

The central theme of ERE is the conscientious stewardship of our finite natural resources, namely minerals, fuels, energy, water, and land. Students taking ERE will attain a broad background in environmental engineering and earth resources covering water resources, pollution prevention, energy, resource economics, recycling, waste and bio-waste valorization, alternative and renewable raw materials, reclamation, and health.

About the programme: Environmental Engineering

In the international curriculum “Earth Resources Engineering – ERE” of the 2nd cycle degree in Environmental Engineering, all courses and activities are given in English. The master’s duration is two years (4 semesters) during which there are core and curriculum courses. The core modules, common for all students, aim at consolidating fundamentals and improving capabilities in the areas of Environmental Engineering, while in the second year students choose a group among:

  1. GROUP "GEORISKS AND WATER RESOURCES ASSESSMENT AND MANAGEMENT": Urban a peri-urban areas need to undergo a transition tackling with natural risks in the context of climate change and minimising the impacts for a sustainable growth.
  2. GROUP "RAW MATERIALS AND ENERGY TRANSITION ENGINEERING": Material and energy flows through industrial systems and connections between operators within the “industrial ecosystem” will be tackled from a systemic point of view.

A committee will help students to select the courses to build their own curriculum. In order to obtain the Master Degree (Laurea Magistrale), students must successfully complete all the courses and discuss a final dissertation, for a minimum of 120 Credits (ECTS). The courses will be organized with in-class teaching activities, practice, design and laboratory activities. The final exam consists in the public discussion of a dissertation (the master thesis).

Even more international

Thanks to Dual Degree agreements, students can obtain two qualifications in two years. The partners are University of Miami (Florida, USA); Université de Liège (Belgium); University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland FHNW (Switzerland). Furthermore, international agreements allow students to spend part of their studies abroad (for exams, research, or internships).

How do you want to spend your second year?

You can choose amongst many options:

  • Choose between two paths inside the degree programme:

  • Spend one year abroad by participating into one of the three Dual degree programmes which are made available to students.

  • Explore other opportunities for studying abroad: all students will have the option of spending a period of study abroad. Tailored opportunities for studying and/or preparing experimental thesis work in a foreign University, along with opportunities for internships in international research centers, construction industries, consulting or design offices will be guaranteed to the students via Erasmus+, Erasmus placement and Overseas programmes. See UNIBO website for extensive information about opportunities for studying abroad.

Admission requirements

Read the Call for Applications on the programme's website for information on deadlines, registration rules and scholarship opportunities.

Who might apply: Students who either hold a BSc and/or a MSc, or expect to hold one by the end of the enrolment period, in the following topics:

- Environmental Engineering;

- Civil Engineering;

- Chemical Engineering;

- Petroleum Systems Engineering;

- Resources Engineering;

- Biotechnology.

A B2 level English proficiency is required.