Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Environmental Engineering

Programme aims

The 2ndcycle degree programme specifically sets out to train Expert EnvironmentalEngineers in soil and territorial protection, environmental techniques andtechnologies, georesources and geotechnologies.
The specificobjective of this 2nd cycle degree programme is to offer an in-depthcurriculum allowing students to acquire a full command of the methodologicaland operational aspects of basic sciences and engineering, privileging thespecific aspects of environmental engineering.
Graduateswill be able to study the features of the principal methods, techniques,equipment, systems and infrastructure for the design, execution, management andmonitoring of works which imply even highly complex modifications to thebiosphere, with particular reference to the layer of the earth affected byanthropogenic functions and in which the resources of current and potentialinterest to man can be found.
The degreeprogramme is highly multidisciplinary and intersectoral, starting with a broadcommon knowledge base and targeting three main learning outcomes suited toworking in the following sectors:

- Open airand underground excavations, soil and rock logging, for the advanced design oftunnels and other civil and mining works. They also develop the innovativescientific and technological aspects concerning the cultivation and enhancementof geo-resources, for the sustainable production of raw materials andindustrial materials. The programme highlights the innovative aspects ofworksite design and safety, the innovative processes for the treatment andrecycling of demolition materials and the environmental impact of miningactivities.

- Theunderground fluids area trains highly specialised technicians able to use themost advanced methods and techniques for exploration, research and productionof underground fluids (hydrocarbons, water, geothermal fluids), particularlystudying: single phase and multi-phase motion and transport of soluble andnon-soluble substances; the most advanced techniques for protecting undergroundwater resources and purification and reclamation projects; soil samplingtechniques using different methods.

Environmentalrisk analysis, with reference to particularly complex conditions caused byhuman settlements and activities. The overall assessment aims to cover: duringadvanced design activities, environmental impact studies concerning theimplementation, management and decommissioning phases of activities, includingthe risk of any incidental events and the environmental destination ofpollutants; during operations, the development of advanced environmentalmanagement, safety and monitoring systems for the many impact measuringparameters. The aforementioned study of techniques is complemented by anin-depth study of elements required for analysis, implementation and managementof technological interventions to reduce emissions with the aim of mitigatingoverall impacts. Particular reference will be made to the most innovativeoperations to reduce liquid, gassy, solid and noise emissions at source,innovative purification plants for the treatment of both civil and industrialliquid waste and gassy waste, waste disposal and recycling, reclamation ofpolluted sites using the most advanced techniques.
The mostinnovative interventions for territorial protection and reclamation, throughthe prevention and monitoring of natural and/or anthropogenic territorialdamage. Among these, forecasting, prevention and monitoring of hydrogeologicalrisk, the reclamation of hydrographical basins and waterways, coastal processmanagement, civil defence, monitoring of territorial evolution and inparticular landslides, as well as the surveying, management, monitoring andprotection from natural risks (seismic, volcanic and geomorphologic), andfinally the evaluation of the environmental impact of complex engineeringworks.
Theseobjectives are achieved through a curriculum providing a solid background inphysics and mathematics, as well as developing specific professional andoperational skills in all core disciplines of Environmental Engineering; inparticular it refers to the protection of the soil and the territory, environmentaltechniques and technologies, georesources and geotechnologies.
The curriculum provides ampleroom for autonomous learning activities: exercises, laboratory work for theproduction of design work and study of specific subjects, allowing students todevelop strong skills in the design, execution, management and monitoring ofeven highly complex works.