Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Environmental Engineering


Professional profiles

professional profile

JUNIORENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEER IN SOIL AND TERRITORIAL PROTECTION - Passing the stateexam, junior environmental engineers can work in all professional activities inthe civil/environmental sector of the National Engineers' Association, sectionB.

Function in aprofessional context:
Junior Environmental Engineers in Soil and Territorial Protection areprofessionally skilled to work in the development, planning, design andoperational management of territorial monitoring systems in areas marked byhydrogeological disruption, subsidence, seismic risk, flooding and coastalerosion, performing the following functions:
- cooperation in the design of monitoring systems for hydro-geologicalvariables, surveying, management and control of natural risks (seismic, volcanicand geomorphologic);
- cooperation in the design of interventions for the protection againstdamage from natural and anthropic causes (hydrogeological risks, reclamation ofriver basins, coastal process management);
- application of the knowledge of topography and geodesics forcartography operations, surveying and observations;
- general cooperation in the assessment of environmental impact ofengineering works;
- mathematical simulations of physical processes which govern waterflows in the soil and subsoil;
- cooperation in the design of urban drainage systems and mainswaterworks;
- cooperation in the management of waste water treatment and refiningplants;
- efficiency checks and functional controls in urban waste treatment anddisposal facilities;
- implementation and analysis of geotechnical, geognostic and soilstability investigations.
To acquire greater autonomy and responsibility or coordination in theperformance of some of the listed activities and/or functions, furthercompetencies must be acquired through further study.

Competenciesassociated to the function:
The main knowledge of expert environmental engineers in soil protectioninclude:
- theoretical and scientific knowledge of mathematics and other basicsciences to interpret and describe engineering problems applied to soilprotection;
- competencies in territorial monitoring methods with particularreference to the study of vertical and horizontal surface movements caused bynatural and anthropogenic phenomena (landslides, subsidence, earthquakes,hydrocarbon and underground water extraction) knowledge of hydrologicalvariable measuring techniques (river capacities and rainfall), hydrological andhydraulic mathematical models to estimate nominal hydrological variables (e.g.record flood levels).
- competencies in the field of (even complex) civil and environmentalworks related to hydraulic infrastructures and waterways and river basininterventions.
- competencies in engineering techniques required to design works formanagement and functional testing of: waste water treatment plants; works andnatural systems applied to the reclamation of water bodies; Knowledge ofbusiness organisation and project management
- interpersonal skills, knowledge of the context and transferable skills.

The main career opportunities for junior environmental engineers in soilprotection include companies, public bodies, private bodies, professionalenvironmental consulting firms working in the field of production innovation anddevelopment; advanced design, planning, implementation and management ofcontrol systems and works; environmental and territorial monitoring, soilprotection, management of complex systems (environmental and geologicalresources), environmental impact and compatibility assessment for even complexplans and works.
Generally, the field of security engineering and civil defence.

JUNIORENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEER IN ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNIQUES AND TECHNOLOGIES - Passingthe state exam, junior environmental engineers can work in all professionalactivities in the civil/environmental sector of the National Engineers'Association, section B.

Function in aprofessional context:
The expert environmental engineer in environmental techniques andtechnologies:
- Collaborates in the design of environmental impact studies in civiland industrial fields during the implementation, running and decommissioningphases.
- Collaborates, during operations, in the development of environmentalmanagement, safety and monitoring systems for the main measuring parameters.
- Intervenes in safety issues in process industries, indicating methodsand tools for assessment and problem solving.
- Uses forecasting models to assess the environmental impacts ofindustrial activities.
- Uses elements for the analysis, implementation and management oftechnological interventions to reduce liquid, gassy, solid and noise emissionsin civil and industrial plants.
- Contributes to the definition and management of technologicalinterventions for waste disposal and recycling, as well as the reclamation ofpolluted sites.
- Works in the design, installation, testing, management and maintenanceof the measuring systems required for environmental surveying.
To acquire greater autonomy and responsibility or coordination in theperformance of some of the listed activities and/or functions, furthercompetencies must be acquired through further study.

Competenciesassociated to the function:
Performance of the above functions requires specific specialistknowledge, competence, skills and abilities in the technical engineering field.
Specifically, these professional figures concern the followingcompetencies:
- the management of civil and industrial plants with particularreference to the operational methods and characteristics of emissions;
- the analysis of the main phases and procedures for assessingenvironmental impact;
- the use of methods and techniques for the analysis and assessment ofthe risks linked to or deriving from anthropic activities;
- the understanding of physical phenomena governing the transport anddestination of pollutants in environmental means;
- technologies for containing emissions for the overall mitigation ofenvironmental impacts;
- contaminated site reclamation technologies.
They also possess self-learning and lifelong learning skills, andappropriate transferable skills in communication, interpersonal relations,organisation and management.

The main career opportunities include companies, public bodies, privatebodies, professional environmental consulting firms working in the:
- design of liquid and gas purification technologies;
- (bio)remediation of contaminated sites;
- innovation and development of clean productions;
- design of environmental monitoring and control systems;
- evaluation of continuous and accidental impacts of plants and man-madeworks;
- definition of protection and prevention measures focusing on the risksof exposure to hazardous substances;
- design and implementation of environmental and safety managementsystems;
- or as environmental and safety auditor and inspector.

JUNIORENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEER IN GEORESOURCES AND GEOTECHNOLOGIES - Passing the stateexam, junior environmental engineers can work in all professional activities inthe civil/environmental sector of the National Engineers' Association, sectionB.

Function in aprofessional context:
They have the following main functions:
- cooperation in the solution of problems concerning the cultivation andvalorisation of geo-resources, aimed at the sustainable production of rawmaterials and industrial materials;
- cooperation in the design of treatment and recycling processes fordemolition materials and mining waste;
- coordination and management of activities relative to the exploration,research and production of fluids present in the subsoil (hydrocarbons, water,geothermal fluids);
- mathematical simulations of single- and multi-phase motion of solubleand non-soluble underground fluids;
- assessment of georesources – with particular reference to theselection of areas, cubage, sample optimisation, space-time distribution maps,using geostatistic methods.
To acquire greater autonomy and responsibility or coordination in theperformance of some of the listed activities and/or functions, furthercompetencies must be acquired through further study.

Competenciesassociated to the function:
The main competencies of a junior engineer in geo-resources andgeo-technologies include the following:
- competencies linked to the numerical modelling of underground fluidmovements;
- competencies in the characterisation and enhancement of geo-resourcesusing geostatistic methods;
- competencies on aspects linked to the enhancement and sustainable useof natural and recycled resources;
- competencies in the field of energy raw materials related to miningand transport of major energy sources including petroleum, natural gas andgeothermal energy;
- competencies in relation to environmental problems and thesustainability of different energy sources.

The main career opportunities include companies, public bodies, privatebodies; multi-utilities operating in the integrated management of municipalwaste and the design and management of waste treatment and recycling plants;professional firms working in environmental consulting for the:
- innovation and development of production;
- design of environmental and territorial monitoring and controlsystems;
- assessment of impacts and environmental compatibility in the design ofmining activities;
- implementation of raw material and underground fluid treatmentfacilities;
- safety engineering on work sites and for large-scale works.

Continuing to study

It gives access to third cycle studies (Dottorato di ricerca/Scuole di specializzazione) and master courses of second degree.