Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Food animal metabolism and management in the circular economy


The International Master Degree aims to train a figure specialised in the management of animal production systems from a circular perspective. The multidisciplinary approach is developed on three macro-levels of learning: metabolism, animal health and welfare, farming systems and technologies, circular economy. Teaching in English guarantees the acquisition of globally spendable skills.

  • Place of teaching Ozzano dell'Emilia
  • Language English
  • Degree Programme Class LM-86 - Livestock management
  • Duration 2 years
  • International programmes Delivered entirely in English

Open day

Let us get to know each other better. When we can meet.

5 reasons to enrol on the degree programme

  1. You will acquire new skills for your future career in the animal production sector in a multicultural and international environment.

  2. You will learn the concepts of sustainability applied to livestock farming in all its facets.

  3. You will be exposed to the latest advances in animal production from a circular economy perspective.

  4. You will have a degree opening to you multiple perspectives in both the private sector and the public research at an international level.

  5. You will be an actor, and a key-role player, of the transition of animal production systems towards an improved sustainability.

The course in numbers

Some data about the course. Go to the full page to learn more and read the opinions of those attending it.

  • 100% International students and students not residing in the region

  • 57% Graduates aligned to the exam schedule

  • 0% Graduates with experience abroad

  • ND Graduates satisfied with their studies

  • ND Graduates who are working

  • ND Graduates who are not working but are studying or not looking for work

  • ND Graduates who are not working but looking for work

Course participants' experiences