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Simonetta Abenda

Associate Professor

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Paolo Albano

Full Professor

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Nicola Arcozzi

Full Professor

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Elena Bandini

Senior assistant professor (fixed-term)

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Marilena Barnabei

Alma Mater Professor

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Luca Battistella

Senior assistant professor (fixed-term)

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Carolina Vittoria Beccari

Associate Professor

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Silvia Benvenuti

Associate Professor

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Riccardo Biagioli

Associate Professor

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Giacomo Bormetti

Full Professor

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Fulvio Cammarano

Full Professor

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Giulio Casciola

Full Professor

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Alessia Cattabriga

Associate Professor

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Eleonora Cinti

Associate Professor

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Giovanna Citti

Full Professor

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appelli esame modelli biomedici

Published on 2023-01-25 12:05:27

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Pierluigi Contucci

Full Professor

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Published on 2015-07-10 19:56:05

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Alessandro D'Andrea

Full Professor

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Giacomo De Palma

Associate Professor

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Cristina Di Girolami

Assistant professor

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Pietro Di Lena

Associate Professor

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Enrico Fatighenti

Senior assistant professor (fixed-term)

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Published on 2022-12-08 13:46:32

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Salvatore Federico

Full Professor

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Fausto Ferrari

Full Professor

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Cancellazione del ricevimento del 17 aprile 2024

Published on 2024-04-14 10:09:09

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Stefano Francaviglia

Full Professor

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Franca Franchi

Associate Professor

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Patrizio Frosini

Associate Professor

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Jacopo Gandini

Associate Professor

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Federica Gerace

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

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Guido Gherardi

Associate Professor

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Risultati test Logica 12 crediti del 14 Marzo 2023

Published on 2023-04-20 19:46:44

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Alessandro Gimigliano

Full Professor

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Antonella Grassi

Full Professor

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Written Exams

Published on 2021-06-24 22:18:50

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Lars Halvard Halle

Associate Professor

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Germana Landi

Associate Professor

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Alessandro Lanza

Associate Professor

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Loredana Lanzani

Full Professor

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Emanuele Latini

Associate Professor

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Olivia Levrini

Full Professor

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Maria Giulia Lugaresi

Adjunct Associate Professor

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Martino Lupini

Full Professor

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Andrea Maffia

Senior assistant professor (fixed-term)

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Vittorio Martino

Associate Professor

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Emanuele Mingione

Associate Professor

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Published on 2019-06-07 15:26:51

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Luca Moci

Full Professor

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Giovanni Mongardi

Full Professor

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Annamaria Montanari

Full Professor

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Serena Morigi

Full Professor

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Roberto Pagaria

Senior assistant professor (fixed-term)

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Stefano Pagliarani

Associate Professor

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Davide Palitta

Senior assistant professor (fixed-term)

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Giovanni Paolini

Associate Professor

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Alberto Parmeggiani

Full Professor

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Andrea Pascucci

Full Professor

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Avvisi e opportunità

Published on 2021-05-19 11:30:02

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Davide Pastorello

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

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Antonello Pesce

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

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Andrea Petracci

Senior assistant professor (fixed-term)

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Berardo Ruffini

Associate Professor

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Valeria Simoncini

Full Professor

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Published on 2010-11-09 16:19:53

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Giuseppina Speltini

Alma Mater Professor

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Psicologia dell'adolescenza 30/05/2019

Published on 2019-06-17 11:27:20

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Daniele Tantari

Associate Professor

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Maria Carla Tesi

Associate Professor

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Sergio Venturini

Assistant professor

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Fabiana Zama

Associate Professor

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Gianluigi Zavattaro

Full Professor

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