Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Mathematics

Programme aims

The Secondcycle degree programme in Mathematics produces qualified graduates withspecific preparation in the field of Mathematics which allows them to enter theworld of work, continue with further studies at a higher level (PhD programmes,2nd level Master's degree programmes, Post-graduate Schools), or teachMathematics in secondary schools (on completion of the teaching qualificationprocess and having passed the examinations required by law).

Second cycle graduates will beable to study, analyse and model phenomena and solve even complex problemsusing scientific methodologies. They will also be able to work in all, not onlyscientific, fields, in which managerial and design skills are required. Theywill have relational and decision-making skills, and will be able to workautonomously, also holding scientific and organisational responsibilities.
This Second cycle degreeprogramme targets graduates from science and technology fields, with a solidpreparation in basic mathematics who wish to further study mathematics to entera highly qualified job market.
The Degree Programme ischaracterised by:
- a strong international outlook,including an international curriculum delivered in English;
- a flexible course structurediagram, with a broad choice of complementary course units to suit theindividual needs of the students;
- an internship in a company orschool to help graduates join the world of work.
Specifically, the professionalfigures identified are Mathematics Researcher, Applied Mathematician and MathematicsTrainer and Popularizer.
Second cycle graduates inMathematics acquire competencies in a range of cutting-edge scientific fields,and through a range of teaching activities divided into several studyprogrammes, they have the possibility to follow specific curricula in basic orapplied Mathematics. Different learning paths have been defined for trainingresearchers, working in companies and training teachers, guaranteeing suitablelearning for the various career opportunities both in the academic world and inindustry and the tertiary sector.
Each learning path offersstudents advanced training in the key fields of mathematics: algebra,mathematical analysis, numerical analysis, mathematical physics, geometry,probability. The highly flexible programme allows the students to tailor theirlearning according to their cultural and professional interests.
All curricula offer electivecourse units, an internship in a company or a school or activities performed inthe department. The internship can be coordinated with the preparation of thefinal examination, which consists of a written dissertation.
Students also have theopportunity to study, perform an internship or prepare for the finalexamination in other universities in Europe and beyond.