Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Mathematics


Professional profiles

professional profile


Function in aprofessional context:
a. Performs research activitiesat universities, research bodies and companies.
b. Performs teaching activitiesat university level, managing the organisational aspects and ensuring the highquality of the students' learning.
c. Performs high-level scientificpopularization activities, with specific reference to the theoretical andpractical aspects of classic and modern mathematics.
d. Oversees the organisationaland managerial aspects of research activities, coordinating national andinternational working groups.
e. Continues to study and updatetheir knowledge, taking part in national and international conferences andthrough self-study.

Competencies associated to thefunction:

a. advanced theories in the mainfields of mathematics and their most recent developments;
b. notions of algebra, geometryand mathematical analysis of fundamental and advanced topics;
c. notions of numerical methodsfor solving key mathematical problems;
d. advanced knowledge of thetheory of probability and some methods of mathematical statistics;
e. in-depth knowledge ofmathematical formalisms underlying key physical theories;
f. in-depth knowledge of thetheory of information and mechanics and their main practical aspects.

Competencies associated to thefunction:
a. Aptitude for study andlifelong learning.
b. Creativity and intuitivetalents.
c. Design and planning skills.

Career opportunities:
- PhD in mathematics and computer sciences area

- Nationaland Regional Agencies for the protection of the Cultural Heritage and theEnvironment and the study and prevention of risks

- Dataprocessing and modelling centres

- Companieswith a high technological content

- Banking andfinancial consulting institutes


Function in a professionalcontext:
a. In the field of appliedresearch, they process mathematical models, also liaising with otherprofessionals (e.g. physicists, chemists, biologists, engineers).
b. They numerically solvetheoretical and practical models drafted for specific problems, as well asspecific software using or adapting commercial software.
c. They validate the numericalresults obtained through appropriate experiments.
d. They manage, organise andcoordinate multidisciplinary working groups in a national and internationalcontext.
e. They constantly update theirknowledge and competencies, taking part in national and internationalconferences.

Acquired knowledge
a. advanced theories in the mainmathematical sectors and their most recent developments;
b. the numerical aspects ofmathematics, specifically for applications;
c. considerable command ofsophisticated instruments in various mathematical fields;
d. advanced deterministic andstochastic tools and mathematical modelling;
e. in-depth knowledge ofmathematical formalisms underlying the main physical theories;
f. in-depth knowledge of thetheory of information and mechanics and their main practical aspects.

Competencies associated to thefunction:
a. The ability to apply knowledgeto drafting mathematical models relating to specific practical problems.
b. Managerial, design andplanning skills.
c. A command of scientificsoftware, particularly mathematical and statistical.
d. The ability for self-learningand lifelong learning.

Career opportunities:
Career opportunities in a national and international context:
a. Supranational, national andregional agencies for the protection of the Cultural Heritage and theEnvironment and the study and prevention of risks, International companies witha high-technology content.
b. Hospitals, companies in thebiomedical sector, video-surveillance companies.
c. Banking and financialconsulting institutes.
d. Cutting-edge big data, machinelearning and artificial intelligence companies.
e. The services sector. Softwareconsulting and development firms. Data processing centres and survey companies;Logistics and production management.


Function in aprofessional context:
a. Transmits knowledge ofmathematics at elementary and advanced level. In relation to the specificcompetencies acquired, and in line with the laws in force, graduates may sitthe state exams to qualify as secondary school teachers.
b. Disseminates the scientificculture, with specific reference to the theoretical and practical aspects ofclassic and modern mathematics.
c. Cooperates in the coordinationand organisation of teaching activities in training institutions.
d. Continues to study and updatetheir knowledge, taking part in national and international educationalconferences.

a. notions of algebra, geometryand mathematical analysis on fundamental and advanced topics;
b. knowledge of the theory ofprobability and some methods of mathematical statistics;
c. knowledge of mathematicalformalisms underlying key physical theories;
d. command of mathematical andother IT software.
e. knowledge of teachingmathematics and basic knowledge of pedagogy and psychology;
f. historical and epistemologicalknowledge of the key issues of mathematics and mathematical thought and a goodgeneral vision of their developments;
g. knowledge of the main resultsof international educational research.

Competencies associated to thefunction:
a. Aptitude for study andlifelong learning.
b. Strong explanatory skills andthe ability to customise learning paths to suit the target group.
c. Strong listening and dialogueabilities.
d. Ability to interact withtrainers from other subject areas.
e. A command of mathematical andother software.
f. Organisational and management skills.
Career opportunities:
a. Graduates with sufficientcredits in appropriate subject groups, will be able to take entrance exams fortraining programmes to teach in secondary schools, in accordance with theapplicable legislation.
b. Educational and scientific publishing.
c. Companies working in the organisation and management of scientific popularization events.
d. Scientific training institutions.

Continuing to study

It gives access to third cycle studies (Dottorato di ricerca/Scuole di specializzazione) and master universitario di secondo livello.