Lecture Rooms
Lecture Rooms are located on viale Europa 115 and Piazza Aldo Moro, 90 - Cesena (Department of Psychology). They are both equipped with UNIBO WIFI system free of charge.
Aula D
Piazza Aldo Moro, 90 - Cesena
Aula Europa 1
Viale Europa, 115 - Cesena
Aula Europa 3
Viale Europa, 115 - Cesena
Study Rooms
The degree programme has available for students two study Rooms. They are both equipped with UNIBO WIFI system free of charge.
Study Room
Sala Alfa – Cesena Campus
Via Mulini, 23/25 Cesena
Sala Beta – Cesena Campus
Piazza Aldo Moro, 90 - Cesena
Laboratories enable to put into practice the acquired knowledge. They are available for “practicum” activities, with the aid of the technologies available, teaching methods and the support provided by tutors with in-depth experience of laboratory activities.
Research laboratories of the department – UOS Cesena
Viale Europa n. 115, 47521 Cesena (FC) – Piazza Aldo Moro n. 90, 47521 Cesena (FC)
CRONOLAB, LADA e Laboratorio di Psicologia Ambientale
Laboratorio di Neuroscienze Cognitive
Laboratorio di Psicosomatica e Clinimetria
Laboratorio di Psicologia di Comunità
Laboratorio di Psicologia dinamica dello sviluppo "Anna Martini”
Laboratorio di Psicologia Sociale SociaLab
Laboratorio di Psicometria e Psicofisica
Laboratorio di Riabilitazione Neuropsicologica
LAV.OR.I O. Psicologia del LAVoro, delle Organizzazioni, dell'Innovazione e dell'Orientamento
SEFoRA LabSviluppo, Educazione, Formazione, Ricerca, Azione
The reference library for the Degree Programme is "Silvana Contento" Library - Department of Psychology.
The University of Bologna offers an extensive network of structures, libraries and document reference services. In particular, facilities of the humanities areas can be used as well as the libraries covering law, economics, political and social sciences.
You can look through complete list of University libraries.