Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Work, Organizational and Personnel Psychology

Curricular internship

Curricular internship

A quick guide to curricular internships

To summarize some key points about internships, here attached you can find a brief guide.

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Instructions for the Internship Report


Structure of the Internship Report


  1. Organizational context: describe the organization (e.g., number of employees, mission, vision, branches, units/departments, schedules, roles and hierarchical structure, turnover rates); describe the organizational structure, procedures and practices. Describe the organizational culture or climate (e.g., related to health, safety or innovation).
  2. Task and Activities: describe the tasks and the activities you carried out, critically analysing the tools and the methods you used. Include tables and figures to clarify.
  3. Conceptual framework and scientific evidences:  analyse the conceptual framework and the scientific evidences related to the tasks/activities you performed; mention any constructs or theoretical models on which activities (research, interventions, training, etc.) were based. Students are asked to pay attention to the operational and applied aspects of the theories. Include tables and figures to clarify.
  4. Relationship with the tutors: describe the interaction with the “organizational tutor” (in the organisation” and the University tutor (in the WOP-P teaching staff); mention the types of supervisions and feedbacks you received and any other interactions you had with other staff within the organization.
  5. Competences: describe of the type of competences you acquired during the internship specifically referring to the Europsy classification; self-evaluate your level of achievement of the competences. Europsy classification referred to two main categories of competences: the primary (that are specific for the psychological profession, with a particular reference to their contents and the knowledge and skills required for the performance) and the enabling ones (not only for the psychological profession but shared with other professions and suppliers of services).
  6. References: create a coherent and updated reference list following the APA style.


Information for the frontpage.  The frontpage should include the following title: “Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree in Work, Organizational, and Personnel Psychology – Final Internship Report for the Professional Internship II year”.

The frontpage should include: Name and Surname of the student; ID student number; Name and Surname of the University Tutor; Name and Surname of the Organizational Tutor; Internship Period; Organization;  Length of the report (characters, including spaces).


Length of the report: from 40.000 to 70.000 characters, including spaces.


Due dates:  Please send the Internship Report by email to your University Tutor by June 15th.