Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Work, Organizational and Personnel Psychology

Eligibility for hosting Practical Evaluation Internships (TPV)

The internships allowing to access the Practical Evaluation Test (PPV) have been reformulated upon the introduction of the new Italian regulations for qualifying degree programmes. The relevant information and forms are now available in this page. 

The organizations or companies interested in hosting interns in the area of Psychology for the purposes of the Practical Evaluation Internship (TPV), which permits to access the PPV Test for the Psychologist professional practice in Italy, shall comply with the following requirements: in addition to entering an Internship Agreement with our University, they must ask for and obtain the appropriate eligibility from the CTI Committee (with members from the University of Bologna and from the Regional Register of Psycholosists). To that purpose, they must fill out and sign the form entitled “Declaration of Availability”, and submit it via Email to or via Certified Email (PEC) to addressing the message to the kind attention of the Internships Office.
The decision/evaluation of the CTI Committee will be communicated by the Internships Office at the end of the evaluation process (which may take from 2 to 4 months), or during the internship process, in case integrations to the already submitted documentation are required.

If the company’s, or the organization’s application is accepted, and the company/organization becomes eligible to host Unibo TPV interns, the company/organization will be added on the Unibo Online Internships Service (, within the list available at the link (i.e., the database of companies/organizations having an agreement with Unibo and which are eligible to host Practical Evaluation Internships for the profession of psychologist).