PSYCHOLOGY AREA | Presentation of the International Master's degree programmes
13:00 - 15:00
Microsoft teams - Online
Come meet us at the presentation of the International Master’s degrees in the fields of Psychology
Starting a Life Journey in Bologna
17:00 - 20:30
Bologna - In presence event
Join the event is to provide international students with insights into Bologna’s vibrant labor market and life and get expert guidance on immigration processes.
Thesis' Goal without stress
09:30 - 13:30
Too early to think about your thesis? Find out why it’s not! A morning of online meetings to learn writing techniques and effectively organize your thesis.
StartUp Day 2024: Innovation and Sustainability
All day
Dumbo - Bologna
Discover new ideas on virtual and augmented reality, mobility, energy, communication, construction, marine resources, biotransformation, and new materials. Register online.
What is emotional intelligence?
Bologna, Complesso di Santa Cristina
Developing skills related to empathy, managing emotions, and interpersonal relationships. Two days dedicated to university students.
A Forlì il primo European Youth Event in Italia organizzato dall'Ateneo
Forlì - In presence event
Quattromila giovani e duecento attività gratuite per confrontarsi sul futuro dell’Europa
Youth Speak Forum 2024
All day
Best Western Hotel Plus Universo | Bologna - In presence event
Evento internazionale dedicato all'empowerment giovanile e al cambiamento sociale
Presentazione dei corsi di laurea magistrale in Psicologia
14:00 - 16:00
Aula Magna | Piazzale Sanguinetti, 180 | Cesena - In presence and online event
Il Dipartimento di Psicologia «Renzo Canestrari» presenta i corsi di laurea magistrale dell’Anno Accademico 2024/2025
Il Tirocinio Pratico Valutativo (TPV) nella laurea abilitante in Psicologia (Legge 163/2021)
10:30 - 12:30
Aula Magna | Piazzale Sanguinetti, 180 | Cesena - In presence and online event
Il Dipartimento di Psicologia «Renzo Canestrari» illustra il Tirocinio Pratico Valutativo (TPV) nella laurea abilitante in Psicologia
A Taste of India: a Multicultural Experience
17:00 - 19:00
Aula C - Plesso Belmeloro, Via Andreatta 8, Bologna
Register here by 24 April. We'll present insights into India's rich cultural heritage and partake in interactive activities.
Convegno "Leadership, inclusione e benessere organizzativo"
09:30 - 12:30
Aula Absidale di Santa Lucia | Via de' Chiari, 24/a | Bologna - In presence event
Il convegno sarà trasmesso anche in diretta streaming. Le studentesse e gli studenti sono invitati a partecipare.
Would you like to join an entrepreneurial team?
09:00 - 13:00
Join us on 4 April at the "Call for players" event to meet the teams and contribute to turning the idea into a successful startup.