Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Work, Organizational and Personnel Psychology

Programme aims

The Second Cycle degree programme aims toqualify students to practise as a psychologist in the field of employment andorganisations as described in the European EuroPsy model and EAWOP. Theseprofessionals are able to develop, design, implement and assess psychologyinterventions in various professional contexts, aiming to optimise the balancebetween individuals and work, individuals and career, individuals, workinggroups and organisation, with a view to promoting well-being and personal andsocial realisation. The programme pays particular attention to the emergingsocial issues involving related topics, including: the promotion ofoccupational welfare, with a view to total quality of life and the work-lifebalance; the relationship between human factors and safety at work;globalisation and the management of diversity in the work place; remote workingand the impacts of new technologies applied to working contexts. The curriculumincludes active teaching and a learning by doing approach. The first year ofthe programme focuses on knowledge of theories and methodology, in four maindisciplinary areas: Work Psychology; Organisational Psychology; Personnel Psychology;Human Factors, Safety and Occupational Health Psychology. The second year setsout the develop practical competencies for professional practice in the samefields. To this end, the programme includes the practical assessment internship(PPV), aimed at consolidating the knowledge and skills qualifying theprofession, and a practical assessment test (PPV), to be held before thediscussion of the dissertation, to verify the candidate's technicalpreparation.