Vai alla Homepage del Campus di Cesena Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Work, Organizational and Personnel Psychology


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5829 - Work, Organizational and Personnel Psychology

Professional profiles

professional profile


Function in aprofessional context:
(S)he carries out severalprofessional activities, which can be simplified into the following main areasof activity:
(S)he analyses work situations,tasks, work stations, roles, communication tools, socio-technical environmentsthat are safe, efficient and consistent, with respect to the workers'requirements, the dynamics present in the work groups and the productionobjectives of the occupational system. (S)he is able to understand the impactof recent changes, including digitalisation, on production processes andsupport the adaptation of individuals, groups and organisations to the newworking methods
(S)he plans, manages andcoordinates interventions in the field of guidance, recruitment, training,assessment and consulting, aimed at professional qualification andrequalification, career development and advancement and organisational changes,implemented while taking into account the abilities-competencies and needs ofindividual workers, the composition of the work groups and the particularorganisational and social constraints of the community, with a view todiversity management.
(S)he designs and managementinterventions aiming to improve the quality of life of the organisation, withparticular attention to: the operation of working groups and the differenttypes of leadership; interactions between peers and within a hierarchy;internal communication processes; various forms of internal and externalcommunication (with individuals and groups); the productive management ofinterpersonal and social conflicts; decision-making processes and similarareas.
(S)he designs and managesinterventions to promote health, well-being and safety at work; supportsprevention and management of stress in the work place and the work-lifebalance; prevention of accidents at work, with particular reference to themechanisms causing human error and human-machine interaction.
- designs and applied qualitativeand quantitative instruments (for evaluation and self-evaluation) for measuringpsycho-social processes and variables and evaluating individualcharacteristics;
- designs, manages andcoordinates research to identify the criticalities linked to social andtechnological changes in work activities and organisational processes;
- provides advice and cooperateswith highly trained experts (in the biomedical, polytechnic and social areasparticularly), involved in interventions for organisations (e.g. training,assessment of the structural and functional quality of the work system, etc.).

Competenciesassociated to the function:
A few years ago, the competenciesrelated to this professional figure were defined jointly by the Europeanassociation (EAWOP), in agreement with the joint European association of allprofessional psychology associations (EFPA) (
In summary, the competenciesassociated to the function include 6 primary competencies (typical of thepsychologist profile), in turn divided into a total of 20 specificcompetencies. The 6 primary competencies are defined as follows:
1. the ability to specify theobjectives of the psychological intervention, analysing needs and expectationsand negotiating the achievable results with the clients
2. the ability to performpsychological assessments of individuals, groups, organisations and situations,using appropriate methods and instruments
3. the ability to develop newmethods of intervention and services based on theoretical and methodologicalknowledge
4. the ability to design andimplement interventions that are consistent with the set objectives
5. the ability to assessinterventions in terms of the correspondence between what planned andimplemented, and in terms of results achieved
6. the ability to communicatewith the clients and provide them with information that responds to their needsand expectations.

In addition to the primarycompetencies, the EuroPsy model also describes 8 qualifying soft skills: theability to identify professional strategies for solving problems; the abilityfor lifelong learning; research, experimentation and development skills; theability to build multidisciplinary professional relations; promotion andmarketing skills; the ability to build relations with actual or potentialclients; the ability to organise and manage a business; the ability toguarantee quality standards and the ability to think critically about one's ownskills.
Furthermore, these competenciesare in line with the functions recognised for occupational health psychology bythe Society for Occupational Health Psychology (SOHP)

Having performed a professionalinternship lasting 12 months, and passing the state exam in order to exercisethe profession and register with the professional association, they can work infull professional autonomy in a number of operational contexts:
- public or private firms andbusinesses providing personnel and human resources services, design services,protection and prevention services, etc.;
- service providers (includingthe NHS, hospitals, schools, vocational training institutions, public andprivate labour services, public administrations, etc.);
- consulting firms providingrecruitment, employment, training and human resources development services

Continuing to study

It gives access to third cycle studies (Dottorato di ricerca/Scuole di specializzazione) and master courses of second degree.