Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Work, Organizational and Personnel Psychology

TPV - internship

Practical Evaluation Internship (TPV)

The Practical Evaluation Internship (TPV) consists in contextualized and supervised practical activities, which involve a direct observation and the execution of activities aimed at situated learning, as well as the development of procedural and relational skills and abilities that are fundamental for the exercise of the professional psychologist practice.

This set of skills refers to specific and dedicated procedures, characterizing the psychologist’s profession and includes the use of cognitive and intervention tools for prevention, diagnosis, rehabilitation and psychological support activities aimed at individuals, groups, social organizations and communities, as well as experimentation, research and teaching activities.

The TPV internship must make it possible, or at least facilitate, the achievement of skills aimed at:

  1. a) the case assessment;
  2. b) the appropriate use of psychological tools and techniques for the collection of data that are necessary to carry out an analysis of the case and context;
  3. c) the preparation and definition of a theoretically-grounded and evidence-based professional intervention;
  4. d) the assessment of the process and results of the intervention;
  5. e) the drafting of a report;
  6. f) the returning of benefits to the patient/customer/user/institution/organization;
  7. g) the establishment of adequate relations with patients, customers, users, institutions and organizations;
  8. h) the definition of appropriate relations with peers;
  9. i) the understanding of the juridical, ethical and code of conduct profiles of the psychologist's profession, as well as its possible area of conflict.

To be qualified to the practice/profession of psychologist in Italy, students of Master-level degree programmes in Psychology must acquire 30 ECTS credits (equal to 750 hours) by completing a TPV internship throughout their course of study (Bachelor and Master level). The acquisition of 30 credits through TPV internship shall give access to the Practical Evaluation Test (PPV), which must necessarily be carried out before obtaining the Master-level degree or before discussing the thesis.

The total 30 credits consists in: 10 credits (equivalent to 250 hours) to be completed during the Bachelor or first-cycle degree programme (please verify the numbers of credits acquired during the bachelor degree programme) and 20 credits (equivalent to 500 hours) to be completed during the Master-level or second-cycle degree programme.

Within the framework of the Master-level degree programmes in Psychology a number of 20 TPV credits (equivalent to 500 hours) is provided. Within their Study Plan, the students of the Master-level degree programmes in Psychology, starting from their second academic year, will have to choose one of the following options:

20 credits with an external TPV internship, please check here the relevant procedure;

- 14 credits with an external TPV internship + 6 credits with an internal TPV internship (at University laboratories or structures), please check here the relevant procedure.

If you have obtained a Bachelor-level degree at another University and you want to verify if you meet the requisite of 10 credits for the TPV, you must preventively contact the Traineeship and International Relations Office.

If you graduated within the framework of the former Italian university system, you are required to obtain 30 credits with a post-graduate TPV internship  (equivalent to 750 hours).

Your request shall be submitted upon graduation by following the indications contained in the dedicated Web page, within the section Post-graduate TPV Internship.