Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Resource Economics and Sustainable Development

Seminars 2017/2018

First and second semester

Students are invited to attend some seminars chosen from the list of seminars and workshops herewith.

They should attend at least 15 hours of seminars from one of the groups A, B, C.

Attendance will be checked through identification and signature. 

3 ECTS will be assienged to students ​upon delivery of a short essay on one of the topics covered in the seminars, under the guidance of the scientific coordinator. Evaluation will be on a PASS / FAIL basis.

No application required, all interested students are welcome.


Seminars 2017/2018 Second semester

 Date of the seminars Venue  Title of the seminar  Lecturer Scientific Coordinator ECTS 
 28th February 2018, h15-18  Alberti 3  Responsible Investments and Sustainability: contextualising ESG materiality as the other side of CSR  Daniela Carosio Filippo Dal Fiore  NO 
 1st March 2018, h12-15 Alberti 3   ENEA research, innovation and technology transfer activities for the development and competitiveness of Italian firms  Oscar Amerighi Marco Grazzi  NO
 14th March 2018  Alberti 3  Research, Innovation and Competitiveness in the Energy Union  Francesco Pasimeni Marco Grazzi   NO
 27th - 28th April 2018  Bertinoro  2nd Workshop: The Economics of Climate Change and Sustainability    Elettra Agliardi  YES*
 16th May 2018, h 13  Teatini 2  CO2 Kuznets Curve revisited: from cross-sections to panel data models  Jesus Mur  Elettra Agliardi  YES

* For the recognition of the attendance of the workshop it is necessary to send to Prof.Agliardi three short essay (around 1 page long) ​reporting a summary of one of Bertinoro's conferences each.

Seminars 2017/2018 first semester

Date of the seminars  Venue Part  Title of the seminar  Lecturer  Scientific Coordinator  ECTS 
 26th September 2017, h 9-11  Green Lab  Graphical Methods in R  Justyna Brzezinska Elettra Agliardi   YES
 16th November 2017, h 15-18  Alberti 2 Economics of Tipping Points  Aart De Zeeuw Elettra Agliardi   YES
21st November 2017, h 14-17  Aula Magna   A  Modern Environmental Macroeconomics  Georges Economides Elettra Agliardi   YES
 4th December 2017, h 13-15  Alberti 2  B Accessibility, Transportation and Labour Market   Matias Mayor Fernandez Roberto Patuelli  NO
 5th December 2017, h 9-11  Teatini 2  B  Accessibility, Transportation and Labour Market   Matias Mayor Fernandez Roberto Patuelli  NO
6th December 2017, h 14-16  Angherà 2   B  Accessibility, Transportation and Labour Market   Matias Mayor Fernandez  Roberto Patuelli  NO