Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Specialized translation

Quality Assurance Committee and other Committees

In order to carry out some of its functions, the Degree Programme Board is assisted by committees comprised of teachers involved in the programme. These committees are listed below, indicating their specific functions and contact persons.

The duties and responsibilities of the Quality Assurance Committee

The Quality Assurance (QA) Committee supports the Degree Programme Coordinator in monitoring the quality assurance procedures and promoting quality in general.

To this end, the Committee:

  • verifies the implementation of the improvement measures approved yearly by the Degree Programme Board in its review report
  • monitor​s the careers of students, their opinion on the teaching activities, their level of satisfaction at the end of the programme and the graduates' employment rates
  • shares the results of their monitoring activities with the Degree Programme Board

University regulations require the Degree Programme QA Committee to be composed ​of the Programme Coordinator and other Degree Programme Board members, including student representatives. Since at present there are no student-elected representatives for the Master's in Specialized Translation, in order to guarantee the legally obliged participation of students in quality assurance, the Course relies on the presence of one or more “informal representatives” or students who voluntarily act as spokespersons for their peers during Course Committee and Quality Assurance Committee meetings.


Adriano Ferraresi (Degree programme Director)

Maja Miličević Petrović (Degree programme board member)

Francesca Biagini (Degree programme board member)-


Career guidance committee

Career guidance activities are coordinated by the Department delegate, Roberta Pederzoli.
The Guidance Committee organises initiatives that aim to inform those interested of the educational content of Course in order to promote a more conscious choice. Furthermore, the Committee works hard to support enrolled students not only throughout their university career, but also in taking steps towards the working world.  Click here for more information.


Joint teaching committee 

 The Student Procedures Committee deals with:

  • requests to change over to the Course;
  • changes to study plans of enrolled students;
  • evaluation of previous studies and degrees with the aim of transferring to the Course;
  • validating foreign degrees (riconoscimento);
  • transferring ECTS for exams done abroad, etc.

Committee members:

Administrative support:

Valentina Bono

Contact and information:
