Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Wellness, sport and health

Curricular Internship

Curricular internships are learning activities that allow students to obtain credits contemplated in the course structure diagram of their degree programme, which also allow to acquire practical skills and make initial contact with the world of work.


The curricular internship allows you to carry out an experience of completion of university training by carrying out activities in companies, public bodies or university structures.



  • Internship 1st year - LM 10 CFU (1° year, 250 hours)
  • Internship 2nd year - LM 10 CFU (2° year, 250 hours)

Both internships have to be carried out according to the degree program's guidelines.



You can present your request for the curricular internship starting from the year in which the internship is included in your study plan.

For first year students, it is strongly suggested to present your request after the completion of the first cycle of classes (e.g. present your request in December to start your internship in January).

Do not indicate the 'Academic Tutor' during the request phase, he/she will be assigned to you by the Commission.

You can find the date of the Internship Commission meetings published in the notice board


Please note: in August all teaching activities will be suspended, therefore there will not be Internship Commissions for the approval of your request.


The internship cannot be carried out in structures where you have family ties or affinity within the second grade with the responsible legal officer, partner or manager.

(A) How to find the right opportunity for you:

Affiliated companies and institutions publish their offers on SOL-Internships. You can consult:

  • offers → and then apply;


  • list of organizations/companies → and then submit a spontaneous candidature.

To prepare a successful CV you can contact Unibo's CV-help service.


In both cases:

  1. You will receive an e-mail with instructions to accept the proposal and complete the request;
  2. After the approval of the Internship Commission you will receive another e-mail to complete the activation;
  3. Download from SOL-Internships the attendance register in which you will find the authorized period in which to carry out the internship, which could be different from what was proposed in the offer.

(B) If you have already agreed on the activity with the Company/Entity 

To carry out your internship you have to follow these steps:

  •  Ensure that the Company/Entity is already affiliated with the University, in case it is not, it can follow the instructions on how to sign the agreement;
  •  Ask the tutor of the Hosting Entity, who will follow you through the internship, to enter an offer dedicated to you in the Internship Service for Companies/Institutions;
  •  You will receive an e-mail with instructions to accept the proposal and complete the request;
  •  After the approval of the Internship Commission you will receive another e-mail to complete the activation;
  •  Download from SOL-Internships the attendance register in which you will find the authorized period in which to carry out the internship.

(C) If you want to carry out an Internship at a Unibo Structure 

To present the application, you will need to identify, in agreement with the Academic Tutor who will also be the Tutor of the University structure, the program to be carried out and then proceed on SOL-Internships:

  •  Make sure you have completed the mandatory modules on Security (module 1 and module 2);
  •  insert "Alma Mater Studiorum" in the field of the Company/Entity denomination and then select the Quvi as Department;
  •  Fill in the fields of the request
  • Wait by e-mail for confirmation of the validation of your request by the Internship Office;
  • After the approval of the Internship Commission you will receive another email to complete the activation;
  • Download from SOL-Internships the attendance register in which you will find the authorized period in which to carry out the internship

(D) If you want to carry out an Internship abroad:

To carry out an internship abroad you can follow one of these alternatives:

(E) If you want to apply for recognition of Extra-University Activity as an Internship

If you have carried out an activity outside university that you think may be related to your course of study you can request recognition in place of the internship:

  • After the conclusion of the activity carried out (in Italy or abroad);
  • Regardless of the existence of an agreement for the internship activities between the Host Subject at which the activity was carried out and the University of Bologna.

The application for recognition must be submitted during the course of A. Y. in which the internship is planned, according to the student’s Study Plan.

The student will have to present the request to the relevant Student Office ('Segreteria Studenti').

Please note: it will be possible to apply for the recognition of work activities as internship only for those activities that take place at the same time as the student position of the Degree Course of the applicant.


    You will need to compile the register of presence hours that must be part of the authorized period of operation. In the case of variations (e.g. suspension, cancellation, etc.) of the approved program, you must communicate them by e-mail to the Internship Office and put in copy the Academic Tutor and the Tutor of the Host Subject.


    In case of transfers to locations not indicated in the approved program, to extend insurance coverage you must send prior e-mail to the Academic Tutor - and put in copy the Tutor of the Host Subject and the Internship Office - and wait for his/her permission by email.


    During your internship you will be covered by insurance against accidents at work and civil liability. For more information on coverage, see the Insurance Service page.


    After completing the hours of the internship insert in SOL-Internships

    • Attendance register, complete with data and signatures;
    • Internship report;

    Fill in the mandatory questionnaire after loading the attendance register and report. The host Company/Company Tutor will also have to fill in the evaluation questionnaire in order to record the internship, so check with the structure of the completion once you have uploaded the attendance register.


    Next, you will have to wait for the practice to be registered by the Internship Commission on Almaesami, without the presence of the student, like any other training activity, within the time allowed for admission to the degree exam and on the dates that are published on the bulletin board of the Degree Programme.


    FAQ Internship for students

    Regolamento Tirocini di Ateneo

    Are you a Company?

    Information on how to offer an internship


    For more information, contact the Internship Office.


    Contact person: BARBARA BAROCCI


    Tel: +39 0541.434227

    FAX: +39 051.2086360

    Address: via Cattaneo, 17 (secondo piano), 47921 – RIMINI

    We inform you that, following the urgent measures to contain the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic, the offices of the Campus of Rimini will be guaranteed only through virtual desks.The telephone line is active on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9 to 11.15 am.