Vai alla Homepage del Portale di Ateneo Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Legal studies


  • Place of teaching Bologna
  • Language English
  • Type of access Restricted access - entrance exam
  • Learning activities Course structure diagrams

The programme, delivered entirely in English, provides sound theoretical and practical skills to interpret and apply legal instruments in an international, European and transnational dimension. The aim is to train highly qualified lawyers who can interact in the complex environments in which public institutions (internal and national) and private entities (companies, NGOs, etc.) operate

What will you study?

The first year is shared and allows a choice of several legal subjects. The second year is divided into subject areas ('Global and Transnational Legal Culture', 'Human Rights, Environmental and Social Justice', 'Law, Economics and Finance' and 'Law and Digital Transition') that allow you to customise your training in a way that is consistent with your professional goals.

Experiences abroad

Seminars and workshops, also with international lecturers, reading groups and moot courts, enrich the programme’s offering, together with mobility programmes such as Erasmus+, Erasmus+ Internship, Mundus and Overseas. There is also the possibility of internships or of completing your thesis abroad.

Build your own future. This is what you can do with this degree.

5 reasons to enrol on the degree programme

Studying law in English as a cultural and professional choice.

Openness to the world and different legal systems.

Facing complexity: the jurist as a problem solver in fast-changing frameworks.

Integration between academic-professional knowledge and soft skills.

Studying law at the “Bologna School of Law.”

The course in numbers

  • 95% International students and students not residing in the region

  • 50% Graduates aligned to the exam schedule

  • 26% Graduates with experience abroad

  • 94% Graduates satisfied with their studies

  • 59% Graduates who are working

  • 24% Graduates who are not working but are studying or not looking for work

  • 17% Graduates who are not working but looking for work

Keep in touch

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