About Us
The Career Service is a job vocational and guidance service and is addressed to all students and graduates from Courses of Cesena and Forlì Campus.
The philosophy of the service is that job is not only a practical activity but also a series of dynamics involving the individual entirely. It is not just important to wonder "What to do?", but also "With whom?" and "For whom/what?". These questions are fundamental factors in the decision-making process.
The Career Service helps in "opening up new horizons", because the professional career implies the self-fulfilment, the pleasure and the risk of a personal experience. That is why the Career Service does not appear as an aseptic place where general information is provided, but rather a sprightly spot where young people are welcome and where they can look positively at the reality.
At the basis of this operational method there is a strong attention for the individual's needs. The service is completely free of charge and does not provide only information: the periodical workshops and seminars and the possibility of receiving personalized advise and consulting (from the drawing up of the Curriculum Vitae to the vocational interviews), together with a direct contact with the job market (meetings with professionals and company managers from various sectors) represent the added value. Our objective is that of making students understand that the vocational guidance to the job market is not a particular "disease" affecting newly graduates (when one has to "find a job"), but a support in the decisive and exciting adventure represented by the search for a professional opportunity.
Seminars on the active search for a job: a series of group meetings within which information and advise are provided for the search of a job, for the drawing up of the CV and the cover letter and for having success in a company recruitment selection.
Personalized vocational interviews: an interview with the job vocational consultant or career consultant aimed to the drawing up of the personal professional profile or résumé (a survey of your interests and definition of the possible steps required to find a job)
Personalized revision of the CV and cover letter: drawing up of the applicant’s CV ("traditional format" and European format) and of the relevant cover letter in accordance with the Employer's needs and requirements.
Intermediation between job demand and offer: presentation of job offers to which students and newly graduates can apply by sending their CV.
Intermediation between traineeships demand and offer: presentation of a series of traineeship and internship opportunities to which students and newly graduates can apply by sending their CV.
Career day: a meeting between the final year students/newly graduates and the companies (profit and nonprofit) to inform about the job vacancies available and to distribute the students’ CV.
Career Service, 1st floor, Padiglione Melandri, Piazzale Solieri 1 - Forlì
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 9.00 - 13.00
Phone +39.0543.374860
E-mail: orientalavoro.fc@unibo.it