Vai alla Homepage del Campus di Forlì Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in East european and eurasian studies

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Master in funzioni diplomatiche e internazionali

E' uscito il bando del Master in funzioni diplomatiche e internazionali. Scade il 10 settembre 2024.

Masterclass "Generative AI for everyday life and academic research"

Sign up to participate in the conference organized to discuss the impact of AI on people's daily lives, taking place from from 9 to 10 September.

The course timetables have been published

Take a look and start imagining your days at the University.

Valutare Premia

Il Consiglio regionale della Lombardia premia tesi di laurea magistrale e tesi di dottorato di ricerca finalizzate all'analisi e alla valutazione di politiche pubbliche attuate su base regionale

Competition for prizes within the 2024 Safety Week

If you have developed a project applicable to health and safety protection in digital work, participate in the competition from 1 to 30 September. A prize of 1,500 euros is up for grabs.

Looking for a place to stay while studying at the university?

We know finding accommodation can be tough and time-consuming, but don’t get discouraged. Here are some tips.

PNRR PhD Scholarships - 2024 Call for Applications Open

If you already have a degree or will graduate by the end of October, you can choose your PhD program and apply by August 7.

Unibo for Refugees - scholarships

Ten scholarships are available for those who have already received an ER.GO, UNICORE, or CRUI scholarship for the academic year 2023/24. Deadline: 8 August.

Have you ever thought about becoming a Peer mentor?

150 paid hours per year, with flexible hours, to support students with Disabilities and SLD at the university. Apply for the call. Deadline: 1 August.

Premi per tesi di ricerca in materia di pari opportunità e tematiche di genere

Il Forum della Meritocrazia bandisce il premio “Valeria Soresin” articolato in più premi di 28.900€ per promuovere riflessioni sulla partecipazione della donna nella società. Scadenza 31 luglio 2024

2 premi per tesi in materia di diritto internazionale umanitario, diritti umani, diritto dei rifugiati

La Croce Rossa Italiana bandisce i premi "Giuseppe Barile e Pietro Verri" di 1000€ ciascuno in tema di diritto internazionale umanitario. Scadenza 31 luglio 2024

In Memory of Nikita Lobanov

With great sadness, we were informed that our MIREES alumnus and former Tutor of the MIREES Program, Nikita Lobanov, passed away last week.

ER.GO (Regional Authority for the Right to Higher Education) study grants - the call for applications is online

The Region bears the cost of your academic studies. Submit your application for scholarships, accommodation, and other benefits.

AlmaCert call for applications - grant for international language certificates

Read the call and submit your application by 13 September.

Have you ever thought about becoming a Peer mentor?

150 paid hours per year, with flexible hours, to support students with Disabilities and SLD at the university. Apply for the call. Deadline: 1 August

Unibo for Refugees - scholarships

Ten scholarships are available for those who have already received an ER.GO, UNICORE, or CRUI scholarship for the academic year 2023/24. Deadline: 8 August


The Global Campus South East Europe. Apply for the 24th generation of the European Regional Master’s Programme in Democracy and Human Rights in South East Europe (ERMA). Deadline 16 September

Questions about fees, exemptions and scholarships? Talk to us on Fridays!

Join the online meetings in which University of Bologna and ER.GO operators offer information on fees, opportunities for exemption or reduction, and how to obtain right-to-study benefits

Premio Tesi di laurea sulla finanza etica "Antonio Genovesi" 2024

Si possono candidare le persone laureate da settembre 2023 a luglio 2024. Scade il 31 luglio.

Borsa di Studio Angiolino e Giovanni Acquisti

Premio per tesi in tema di nonviolenza. Scadenza 10 dicembre 2024

International Talents @Unibo

Unibo awards 80 scholarships to deserving international students who wish to enrol in degree programmes in the a. y. 2024/25.


16 Sep 2024

Introduction to International Political Economy

09:00 - 13:00

Room 2.2 - In presence and online event

Prof Carolyn Kadas (Introductory Lectures for first-year MA students)

17 Sep 2024

Introduction to Social and Political Movements in East-Central Europe

11:00 - 13:00

Room 2.2 - In presence and online event

Prof Rytis Bulota (Introductory Lectures for first-year MA students)

17 Sep 2024

Introduction to International Relations

13:00 - 17:00

Room 2.2 - In presence and online event

Dr Nicolò Fasola (Introductory Lectures for first-year MA students)

18 Sep 2024

Introduction to International Contemporary History

14:00 - 18:00

Room 2.3 - In presence and online event

Prof Angela Romano (Introductory Lectures for first-year MA students)

19 Sep 2024

Welcome Day of the Forli Master Degree Programmes IPE, MIREES, and SID!

14:00 - 18:00

Volume bar, Teaching HUb - In presence event

Forli Campus of the University of Bologna

07 Oct 2024

Introduction to writing a Master’s thesis

15:00 - 19:00

Room 1.4 - In presence event

Dr Marco Zoppi (Writing a Master's Thesis in Political and Social Sciences)

11 Oct 2024

Writing a Master’s thesis in International Contemporary History

13:00 - 15:00

Room 2.1 - In presence event

Prof Angela Romano (Writing a Master's Thesis in Political and Social)

22 Oct 2024

Writing a Master’s thesis in International Relations

11:00 - 13:00

Room 2.2 - In presence event

Dr Nicolò Fasola (Writing a Master's Thesis in Political and Social)

24 Oct 2024

Writing a Master's thesis in International Political Economy

09:00 - 11:00

Room 1.4 - In presence event

Prof Caroyln Kadas (Writing a Master's Thesis in Political and Social)