Lo IAI offre una posizione di collaboratore/trice per lo svolgimento di attività incentrate sui temi spazio, sicurezza e difesa. Scade il 13 gennaio 2025.
Do you hold an academic qualification from a non-Italian education system and wish to enroll in a master degree programmes? In January, a call for applications will be published for 30 scholarships.
On Friday afternoon, December 6, 2024, our colleague, Maura De Bernart, passed away.
The Call for Startups 2024/25 is open until 31 January. It offers you the opportunity to join the university program that will guide and support you in growing your idea. Apply for the call.
Dedline January 31, 2025.
Apply for the competition to request contributions. Application deadline: 30 January.
Under an agreement with Crédit Agricole Italia S.p.A. the University of Bologna offers its students the opportunity to apply for a loan. Deadline: 16 January.
La Fondazione Astrid bandisce il premio “Jo Cox” in tema di UE e politiche europee per far fronte alle sfide tecnologiche, ambientali, geopolitiche del nostro tempo. Scadenza 31 dicembre 2024
Join the programme which offers students the opportunity to study abroad while paying tuition fees at their home institution with no additional costs. Deadline: 19 January.
09:30 - 13:30
Aula 3, Department of Political and Social Sciences Strada Maggiore 45, Bologna - In presence and online event
We invite you to join the seminar and the round table that will explore the changes affecting Tunisia on the political level.