Who it's for: Studio al primo anno, Studio dal secondo anno in poi
Deadline: 13 mag 2025, 13:00
Who it's for: Studio al primo anno, Ho una laurea
Deadline: 30 mag 2025, 12:00
Who it's for: Studio al primo anno, Studio dal secondo anno in poi
Deadline: 15 giu 2025, 12:00
Check the scholarships, exemptions, incentives, and upcoming calls for applications.
Join the Basket Heroes volunteer team and be a key player in the championships taking place place in Bologna from 6 to 13 July. Apply online!
Together with the Universities of Padua, Florence, Catania, and Chieti-Pescara, we have launched a survey on psychological well-being among the student population. Participate in the survey by 31 May.
On 14 and 15 May, students will vote to elect their representatives to the University Governing Bodies. Step up and become the spokesperson for the needs and projects of our student community.
Applications for the admission competition to the Collegio Superiore courses are open until 15 April. The call is dedicated to students enrolling in the first year of a 2nd Cycle Degree Programmes.
The Forum is organised on 12 May 2025 at the Turku University with the theme Safe and Secure Baltic Sea. We welcome you to join the audience in Turku but it is also possible to follow the event online
Explore Political and Social Sciences in Forlì.
Join the 16-week Post-graduate vocational training programme to explore advanced technologies, create innovative solutions, and engage with IdeaSquare at CERN.
Scopri le opportunità di preparazione per superare il concorso diplomatico bandito dal Ministero degli Affari esteri italiano!
Una occasione utile per studenti e neolaureati interessati a entrare in contatto con il mondo del lavoro, per capire le esigenze del mercato occupazionale e conoscere le tante aziende partecipanti.
On 14 and 15 May, you can express your opinion. Vote for your representatives in the University Governing Bodies and the National Council of University Students. Find out how, when, and where to vote.
The Student Ambassadors Programme is accepting applications until 4 April. Engage with fellow international students, gain a deeper understanding of the University, and improve your soft skills.
63rd ISODARCO Course, Volterra (Pisa) 6 – 13 August, 2025
Il concorso assegna fino a 10 premi, del valore di € 3.000 ciascuno, alle migliori tesi di laurea magistrale su argomenti riferibili all’intelligence e alla sicurezza nazionale. Scadenza: 15 aprile.
Blue Europe promuove il concorso "Denis de Rougemont". Saranno premiati i due migliori articoli sulle relazioni dinamiche tra le regioni europee, in particolare con la CEE. Scadenza: 31 marzo.
Premio letterario - Termine candidature 31/03/2025
Promossa dalla rete Europe Direct regionale insieme a UPI Emilia Romagna in collaborazione con la Biblioteca Roberto Ruffilli
La postazione è attiva il martedì ore 9-12 a partire dal 18 febbraio al 15 aprile compresi. Saranno presenti tutor Manuela Delfino e Antonio Chiellino per una prima informazione rivolta agli studenti.
Do you hold an academic qualification from a non-Italian education system and wish to enroll in second-cycle degree programmes? Until 30 May, applications are open for 30 new scholarships.
The University of Bologna is offering 30 new scholarships to deserving international students who intend to enrol in second cycle degree programmes in a.y. 2025/26. Deadline 30 May 2025
Ciclo di incontri serali nei quali i docenti del Campus tratteranno temi di insegnamento e argomenti di urgente attualità attraverso l'introduzione e il commento ad importanti opere filmiche
13:00 - 15:00
Room 3.2 - In presence and online event
Prof Ana Devic
All day
Join the event to discover the entrepreneurial projects selected by "Call for Startup 2024/25," engage with their creators, and become part of an entrepreneurial team.
11:00 - 13:00
Room 3.1 - In presence event
Michela Ceccorulli (University of Bologna), Carmelo Danisi (University of Bologna) Joint Conference REBOUND - Rethinking borders in and by the European Union
19:00 - 20:00
aula 1 TH - In presence event
Tavola rotonda promossa dal Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Sociali dell’Università di Bologna (Campus di Forlì)
All day
Padiglione 33 di BolognaFiere - Bologna
Meet companies and test your approach to the job market. Sign up now!
11:00 - 13:00
Room Magagni - In presence and online event
Dr Sara Berloto (University of Milan) open lecture within Prof Fasola's module on China-Russia Relations
21:30 - 23:00
¿Eres un estudiante latino-americano y te interesa estudiar en Italia? El 10 de abril, descubre lo que significa estudiar y vivir en Unibo. Inscríbete y participa
In presence event
Seminar cycle dr hab. Marcin Marcinko, Jagiellonian University in Krakòw
11:00 - 13:00
Room 2.2 - In presence and online event
Prof Denis Ivanov, Corvinus University of Budapest
11:00 - 17:00
aula Campostrino - In presence event
Keynote speaker Bertil Cottier - European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) - Consiglio d’Europa
15:00 - 17:00
Room 25 TH - In presence and online event
Prof Angela Romano (University of Bologna) open lecture within Prof Fasola's module on Russia, the EU, and the Common Neighbourhood
17:00 - 19:00
Room 2.1 - In presence and online event
Prof. Tamar Karaia (Tbilisi State University)
17:00 - 19:00
Room 2.2 - In presence and online event
Sandro Tabatadze (Tbilisi State University)
09:00 - 10:00
Room 3.1 - In presence and online event
Prof. Tamar Karaia (Tbilisi State University)
15:00 - 17:00
Room 25 TH - In presence and online event
Sandro Tabatadze (Tbilisi State University)
15:00 - 17:00
Room 6 TH - In presence and online event
Eugenia Pesci (University of Bologna) - Cycle of seminars “Inside Central Asia: selected dimensions of society and state”
17:00 - 19:00
Room 2.2 - In presence and online event
Giulio Benedetti (Maastricht University) - Cycle of seminars “Inside Central Asia: selected dimensions of society and state”
15:00 - 17:00
Room 25 TH - In presence and online event
Dr Carlotta Mingardi (University of Bologna) open lecture within Prof Fasola's module on China-Russia Relations
In person and online