Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in East european and eurasian studies

Degree Programme Quality Assurance System

MIREES aims at improving constantly by interacting directly with students and representatives of the world of work. The Degree Programme Quality Assurance Committee helps the Director to do so, supervising the quality assurance system and promoting a culture of quality.

Areas of intervention include:

  • defining teaching activities, planing resources, coordinating necessary services;
  • verifying implementation of the improvement measures approved in the annual report of the Degree Programme Board;
  • monitoring the careers of students, their opinions about the learning activities and their level of satisfaction at the end of the programme, as well as graduate employment rates;
  • collecting data and information by interacting with representatives of the world of work;
  • monitoring the efficacy of the programme and planning education and services improvement interventions;
  • reporting the results of its monitoring activities to the Degree Programme

As part of the quality assurance system, this website offers comprehensive and up-to-date information on MIREES — including teaching activities, expected learning outcomes, professional profiles formed, the resources used, etc. These information are also published on the Universitaly Portal of Miur, in the Degree Programme Consolidated Annual Report (known as SUA-CdS).