The Exception and the Norm: political changes in Tunisia between local and global dynamics
09:30 - 13:30
Aula 3, Department of Political and Social Sciences Strada Maggiore 45, Bologna - In presence and online event
We invite you to join the seminar and the round table that will explore the changes affecting Tunisia on the political level.
le comunità albanesi sulle due sponde del mediterraneo fra passato e futuro
10:00 - 12:00
aula 14 TH - In presence event
L'evento è in collaborazione con il MIREES, Università di Bologna.
The Challenges of Liberal Democracy:
15:00 - 19:00
Room 6 TH - In presence and online event
Equality, Inclusion, and Civic Disobedience
Competenze sotto l’Albero - Dialogo tra Università e Imprese
19:00 - 22:30
Grand Hotel Forlì, Via Del Partigiano, 12/bis, Forlì - In presence event
Confronto sui bisogni di competenze tra Università e aziende del territorio con Cena di networking, aspettando insieme il Natale.
The Public Perception of Immigration in Europe
15:00 - 17:00
Room 2.2 - In presence event
Giancarlo Gasperoni (University of Bologna) "The Migration Challenge in an Historical Perspective" 8 seminars organized by Francesca Fauri and Punto Europa Forlì
Ukrainian Culture and the War Response: Ideas, Memories, Hopes
13:00 - 15:00
Room 1.3 - In presence event
Prof Vitaly Chernetsky (University of Kansas / University of Basel) open lecture within Prof Puleri's course "Remapping the Post-Soviet Space"
Emigranti italiani ed emiliano-romagnoli in Argentina e Stati Uniti Imprenditorialità e trasmissione dei saperi
19:00 - 20:00
Room 3 TH - In presence event
Presentazione del volume di Francesca Fauri – Paolo Galassi a cura di Giuliana Laschi
"Past and Present Migration Challenges. What European and American History Can Teach US" book presentation
11:00 - 13:00
Room 3.2 - In presence event
Francesca Fauri and Debora Mantovani (University of Bologna) "The Migration Challenge in an Historical Perspective" 8 seminars organized by Francesca Fauri and Punto Europa Forlì
Incontro di orientamento
09:00 - 13:00
aula 2.2 - In presence event
Iniziativa organizzata dal Comitato parti sociali e orientamento in uscita
The Future of Brics
All day
Room 3.1 - In presence event
The workshop is an initiative of the Organisational Unit (UOS) Forlì of the Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Bologna.
Afghanistan under the Taliban: the new Geography and Geopolitics of the Region and Beyond
Aula 12 Teaching Hub - Embassy and Mission of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan in Rome - In presence and online event
Third “International and Diplomatic Studies Conference on Afghanistan” - Hybrid Conference in Italian and English