Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in East european and eurasian studies

DimEAST Seminar Series (2018) - MIREES Open Lectures, from 26/10 till 7/12/2018

Europe's Eastern Challenges: Understanding the Diversity of Migration in the EU's Neighboring Regions.

from 26 October 2018 at 12:00 to 07 December 2018 at 13:00

26/10, 11-13 h, room 3.3
Mikhail Minakov (Kennan Institute, Washington DC), Presentation of the book "Development and Dystopia. Studies in Post-Soviet Ukraine and Eastern Europe" (Stuttgart: ibidem, NY: Columbia University Press, 2018).

30/10, 15-17 h, room 1.4
Neža Kogovšek Šalamon (Peace Institute, Ljubljana), Migration Situation on the Balkan Route and the EU's Role in the WB States Securing Migrants' Rights

9/11, 11-13 h, room 3.3
Elena Alekseenkova (Russian International Affairs Council), Russia's Experience in Managing Migration Flows: An Ever-Increasing Task
Stefano Braghiroli (University of Tartu), Moscow and the 2015 Refugee Crisis: Dynamics and Impact on EU-Russia Relations

07/12, 11-13 h, room 2.1

Drago Župarić-Iljić (University of Zagreb), Scrutinizing interplays of humanitarianism, border regimes, and politics of fear in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Seminars/Open lectures are organised in collaboration with MigLab- Studi sulle Migrazioni.
The Organizing Committee for the DimEAST: Marco Puleri and Marco Zoppi.