Simona Mameli, PhD, Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Unit for the Adriatic and the Western Balkans, officer in charge of regional cooperation in South East Europe
with the participation of:
Couns. Andrea Cascone, Director of the Division for Adriatic and the Western Balkans at the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, and National Coordinator for EUSAIR, CEI and AII. Couns. Andrea Cascone joined the Italian Diplomatic Service in December, 1997. He has served in Syria, France, Turkey, United States, as well as in several position in Rome, in charge of ITC, Policy Planning, Middle East. He is Director for the Adriatic and the Western Balkans since December 2019.
These MIREES Open lectures will take place as video conferences via Teams, accessed through "Online Lessons" of the MIREES course Workshops on Eastern European Politics and Economics 2020/2021 — University of Bologna ( .