Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in East european and eurasian studies

Radicalization of Indian politics: rise to power of Indira Gandhi

Elena Nora Jucyte, doctoral researcher, PhD STUDIES IN ORIENTAL LANGUAGES AND CIVILIZATIONS - INDIAN SUBCONTINENT, Sapienza University of Rome

03 May 2021 from 15:00 to 17:00

The seminar is open to all interested students and faculty. It is especially recommended (though not obligatory) for the students of LM IPE, SID and MIREES.

These lectures, collaboration between LM IPE Degree Program Director prof. Antonio Fiori and LM MIREES Degree Program Director prof. Francesco Privitera, will take place as video conferences via Teams, accessed through "Online Lessons" of the MIREES course Workshops on Eastern European Politics and Economics 2020/2021 — University of Bologna ( .