Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in East european and eurasian studies

Study grant for dissertations abroad

Study grant to go abroad and work on your dissertation.

Study grants for dissertations abroad are aimed at supporting graduating students to work on final projects on issues having an international dimension or content so as to make the research abroad particularly relevant, useful and feasible.

Graduating students will be requested to submit a detailed project together with any relevant supporting document approved by the thesis supervisor as well as by the responsible Professor.

The knowledge of the language of the host Country or English is one of the selection criteria.

At the end of the stay abroad, the graduating student is requested to submit any relevant supporting document certifying the research activity carried out according to the Call for application.

The scholarship is not compatible with other grants for the same mobility period.

The call for application, whenever available, will be published on the degree website notice board; potential applicants may also refer to the University of Bologna website dedicated to scholarships and other benefits for international mobility: Borse di studio e altri bandi per mobilità internazionale