Vai alla Homepage del Portale di Ateneo Curriculum Raw Materials Exploration and Sustainability Second Cycle Degree/Two Year Master in Geology and Land Management


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9073 - Geology and Territory

Professional profiles

professional profile

Function in a professional context:
Geologists work in different fields. Referring to thethree curricula: A) geotechnical, hydrogeological, geomatic geologist; B)stratigrapher, paleontologist, marine geologist; C) mining geologist,mineralogist, applied petrographer. Geologists study the composition of theearth's crust and apply knowledge of chemistry, physics, biology andmathematics to explain activity phenomena (earthquakes, volcanoes,geomorphological evolution) and identify mineral deposits and underground watersources. They also apply their knowledge to problems affecting civilengineering.
Geologists are fundamental professional figures in allstudies, research and applications concerning land management, the reduction ofgeological and environmental risks and exploration, exploitation and managementof geo-resources, both non-renewable and renewable.
The Geologistprofession is governed by state laws, and requires the passing of the relatedstate exam. The professional activities of the Geologist include:
a) surveying and editing of geological andthematicmaps;remote surveying, with particular focus on geological and environmental issues
b) analysis, prevention and mitigation of geologicalrisks, by producingspecific cartographictools; planning anddesign of risk reduction interventions
c) hydrogeological and geochemical analyses for thedetection, exploitation and protection of underground waters; characterisationand retrieval of contaminated sites
d) geognostic surveys and subsurface exploration alsousing geophysical methods
e) surveys and geotechnical reports
f) measurement, assessment and management ofgeo-resources and geomaterials of industrial and commercial interest; analysis,management and retrieval of abandoned mining sites
g) construction of geological tools for territorial andurban planning, based on the modelling of geo-environmental systems and therelated processes
h) geodetic, topographic, oceanographic and atmosphericsurveys, including measurements and meteoclimatic parameters characterisingcoastal dynamics and surface processes
i) analysis, physical and mechanical characterisation andcertification of geological materials

Geologists can hold a Director position in all miningactivities (open-air, underground, offshore) or Works Director in geologicalactivities applied to engineering. They may also coordinate technical andmanagerial structures and hold the role of Director and Guarantor ofgeotechnical laboratories.
In performing their activities, geologists work with manyother professional figures, particularly environmental engineers, civilengineers, structural engineers, architects, chemists, physicists, biologistsand restorers.

Competencies associated to thefunction:
In order to carry out the roles described above, specificknowledge, abilities and skills in the geological and technical-scientificfield are required:
- in-depth knowledge of geological materials, includingthe genesis, environment of formation, , compositional and physical-mechanicalcharacteristics
- ability to interpret the territory and the dynamics ofgeological processes in different space and time scales

- ability to assess and manage theuncertainty of data and measurements, critically assessing the significance ofmodels reconstructed with partial data
- self-learning and lifelong learning competencies
- IT skills and the use of different types oftechnological platforms for field and laboratory work
- appropriate communication interpersonal, organisationaland managerial, design skills, according to the assigned level of autonomy andresponsibility, in the organisational and work methods adopted and with keyinterlocutors (colleagues, other professionals and public and/or privateclients)
- business competencies including innovation, creativityand a sense of initiative.

Career opportunities:
- Consulting in professional firms, engineering firms and building firms
- Agencies and Institutions working in environmental protection,territorial planning, protection from geological risks (Civil Defence,Geological Services, ARPAE, River Authorities, Mountain communities)
- Water supply and integrated water management companies
- Companies working in marine geology and surveys for offshoreinstallations and structures
- Mining industry (exploration and exploitation of mineral rawmaterials, management and recycling of production waste)
- Industry, in the fields of sustainability, innovation and circulareconomy for mineral raw materials
- Popular science and Tourism in geological museums, Geosites andGeoparks
- Freelance profession.
The exercise of the Geologist profession is governed by state laws, andrequire the passing of the related state exam and registration with theGeologists' register.

Furthermore, graduates with the credits required by the laws in forcemay also sit the entrance exams for high school teacher training programmes.

Continuing to study

It gives access to third cycle studies (Dottorato di ricerca/Scuole di specializzazione) and master courses of second degree.