Single Cycle Degree/Combined bachelor and master in Medicine and Surgery

Italian language requirements

Information about Italian language requirements for clinical clerkships

As stated in the Degree Programmme entry requirements, enrolled students must have/reach a CEFR B1 level of Italian language to attend clinical clerkships from Year 2 onwards. This is mandatory - a good command of the language is necessary in order to be able to understand and interact with patients.

A link to the description of the CEFR B1 language level is provided in the "See also" box of this page.

PLEASE NOTE that incoming transfer candidates must hold and submit their Italian language certificate by the final application deadline of the call for transfer - check the call for transfer for additional information.


Accepted language certificates

The Degree Programme Board accepts the following qualifications as proof of Italian language knowledge:

  1. Secondary school qualifications obtained in Italian public schools or state-accredited schools, both in Italy and abroad, at the end of a four- or five-year curriculum;
  2. One of the secondary school qualifications listed in Attachment 2 of the Joint Ministerial Memo by the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research and by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation;
  3. Complementary certificates to Argentinian middle school qualifications certifying attendance of a 5-year curriculum inclusive of Italian language, pursuant to Italian law n. 210 of 7 June 1999 (G.U. n. 152 of 1 July 1999) ratifying the Italy-Argentina Agreement of 03 December 1997, effective from 28 December 1999;
  4. Italian language and culture diploma issued by the University for Foreigners of Perugia and by the University for Foreigners of Siena;
  5. Italian language qualifications at C.E.F.R. levels B1, B2, C1, and C2 issued within the CLIQ system (Italian Language Quality Certification), which represents and association of the currently accredited certifying institutions (University for Foreigners of Perugia and by the University for Foreigners of Siena, Roma Tre University, Dante Alighieri Society). CLIQ system qualifications may be issued also in cooperation with Istituti Italiani di Cultura located outside of Italy, or with other institutions;
  6. Certificate of completion of an Italian language test or an Italian language course at the University Language Centre of the University of Bologna at C.E.F.R. B1 level or higher;
  7. Italian language test or exam passed as part of an academic curriculum in other Universities, on condition that they were passed, recorded on the academic record, and at C.E.F.R. B1 level or higher.

Certificate verification

  • Students who already submitted one of the qualifications listed above upon enrolment do not need to provide it again for the purpose of attending clinical clerkships.
  • Students who obtain one of the qualifications listed above after enrolment are kindly invited to contact the Programme Coordinator for further instructions.
  • Students with no Italian language qualifications will be informed about their status by institutional email.

Italian language courses

The University Language Centre (CLA) offers Italian language courses for international students during both semesters. 
Information about application, placement tests, schedules, and fees ​is published on the CLA website.

Further online resources for Italian language learners (free test and courses) are available to all current and prospective students - there is no need for an institutional UNIBO account to log in.