Vai alla Homepage del Portale di Ateneo Single Cycle Degree/Combined bachelor and master in Veterinary Medicine

Core Clinical Training

Core Clinical Training (CCT) are learning activities that allow students to obtain credits contemplated in the course structure diagram of their degree programme, which also allow to acquire practical skills and make initial contact with the world of work.

The Degree Course in Veterinary Medicine provides the granting of CCT credits aimed at providing the students with abilities and practical skills summarized in the Day One Competences required by EAEVE and necessary for the exercise of the profession of veterinary practicioner.

Most of the activities take place within the facilities of the Department of Veterinary Medical Sciences in Ozzano.

The achievement of the targets of each training period is certified by the teacher responsible for the CCT of scientific area directly on the training booklet, after checking the presence and achievement of skills required, set for both at least 75% of what in the syllabus.


Please note

Before the beginning of the training, the student must :